Which algorithms should I use for recommendation system using a graph database?
Basically I'm developing a recommendation system using a graph database (specifically neo4j), and I want to apply recommendation algorithms. Since i'm using a graph database, I can see the recommendation problem as a graph problem, and intuitively i can use graph based algorithms for the recommendation system.
From my research, recommendation systems are a subclass of information filtering system that seek to predict the "rating" or "preference" that a user would give to an item. And there exists basically two types, collaborative filtering and content based.
I've done a research on the algoritms, and i found some interesting ones:
- Weighted Bipartite Graph algorithm
- Energy Spread Activation
- Union Colors
My question is simple, which other graph algorithms exists that can be used for graph based recommendation system? Or if I use a graph database for recommendation system, the algorithm doesn't necessary need to be a graph based?
Thanks. Any suggestions are welcomed.
Topic graphs recommender-system neo4j predictive-modeling algorithms
Category Data Science