For the numbers you mention, I think all alternatives should work (read: you'll be able to finish your analysis in reasonable time).
I recommend on a design that can lead to significantly faster results.
As answered before, in general postgresql is faster than mongo, some times more than 4 times faster.
See for example this.
You said that you are interested in improving performance in joins.
I assume that you are interested in calculating similarities among the entities (e.g., post, author) so you'll mainly join the table with it self (e.g., by post or author) and aggregate.
Add to that the fact that after the initial loading your database will be read only, what make the problem very suitable to index usage. You won't pay for index update since you won't have any and I guess you have the extra storage for the index.
I would have use postgres and store the data in two tables:
create table posts(
post_id integer,
url varchar(255),
author_id integer
-- Load data and then create the indices.
-- That will lead to a faster load and better indices
alter table posts add constraint posts_pk primary key(post_id);
create index post_author on posts(author_id);
create table comments(
comment_id integer,
post_id integer,
author_id integer,
comment varchar(255)
alter table comments add constraint comments_pk primary key(comment_id);
create index comment_author on comments(author_id);
create index comment_post on comments(post_id);
Then you can compute author similarity based on comments in queries like
m. author_id as m_author_id,
a. author_id as a_author_id,
count(distinct m.post_id) as posts
comments as m
comments as a
group by
, a. author_id
In case you are interested in tokenzing the words in the comment for nlp, add another table for that but remember that it will increase the volume of your data significantly.Usually it is better not to represent the entire tokenization in the database.