Which yeast and hops should I use to learn the distinctive taste of various grains?
(This title is purposely worded after this question.)
I'm about to begin all-grain brewing soon. I'm excited about all of the options, combinations, and ratios of the different grains, but it is very daunting. I have 8 carboys so I might as well use them to learn the distinctive taste of various grains and combinations of grains.
In order for this tasting experiment to be valid, I would need to use the same yeast and hops across every batch. I figure that it would be best to use a shy or weaker yeast and hops, meaning those that would allow the grain to come through more fully, and to use a yeast/hops that interact well with all combinations of grain.
Which yeast and which hops would fit this criteria?
On the other hand, am I missing key pieces of information here? For example, perhaps there does not exist a single combination of yeast/hops that work with all combinations of grain. This could mislead me into thinking that I do not like the taste of a certain grain, when it was really just the yeast or hops that I chose and their interaction with the grains.