White mold on my corney kegs?
I've got a basic beer serving fridge out in the garage, just a few taps on the front and some bottles on the door. I'm developing a problem with what looks kinda like mold, I notice it mostly on the black rubberish top area but some on the stainless as well. It looks like it was peppered with a bunch of little tiny snowballs, white round and spread pretty evenly with some areas more concentrated then others. The mold substance isn't on anything else in the fridge; not on the walls or the bottles or on the door beer/gas lines... I have heard of people developing a mold on the ceiling of their sour cellars and it sounds like a "good" thing?
What's going on? What is it? How do I get rid of it?
Fridge temp: mid 30's
It has been going on for about 2-3 months.