Whitelist a single SVG for use in post_content
I have a block built in Gutenberg - in it I use an Icon element from '@wordpress/components'
I use a single arrow to create a dropdown which renders as an SVG. Of course when anyone who is not a super admin or admin saves this block - then the SVG is stripped and the block breaks as no SVG is found matching the save() function.
I don't want to whitelist all SVGs on a site for security reasons - so ideally I'd just like to white-list this one. I had thought that WP KSES can pass acceptable values too but I'm wrong.
function allow_arrow_svg( $tags ) {
$tags['svg'] = array(
'aria-hidden' = array( 'true', 'false' ),
'role' = array( 'img' ),
'xmlns' = array( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' ),
'width' = array( '20' ),
'height' = array( '20' ),
'viewbox' = array( '0 0 20 20' ),
'style' = array( 'color', 'fill' ),
'class' = array(),
$tags['path'] = array(
'd' = array( 'M5 6l5 5 5-5 2 1-7 7-7-7z' ),
return $tags;
add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', 'allow_arrow_svg', 10, 2 );
Would be perfect - but doesn't work as I can still pass anything in the various attributes.
Any suggestions out there folks? Thanks for your time :-)
Topic block-editor svg wp-kses Wordpress
Category Web