Why has Brettanomyces in secondary formed pellicle but no attenuation after 6 weeks?
My first beer with Brettanomyces.
I have brewed an Orval-like beer, OG 1.062, primary yeast WLP510 Bastogne Ale, and WLP650 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis as secondary yeast, pitched after 2 weeks in primary (SG 1.010 at pitching, after racking to secondary).
It has now been 6 weeks, and a thin but hole-free pellicle has formed, about week 3-4. I sampled the beer today, and while the flavor is nice, it has virtually no Brett character, and SG is still 1.010. Temperature is stable around 21 C.
I expected SG 1.004-1.006 at this time. What is wrong?
Topic brettanomyces secondary-fermentation homebrew
Category Mac