Why is my ginger beer not sweet yet?
So I didn't follow a recipe as such for my Ginger beer but here is what I did:
- Champagne Yeast, grated ginger, honey and water fed every day for about 1 week (created GBP)
- Topped up to 2L with water and added lemon juice
- Fed for another week or so
Everywhere I have seen says that you should strain and bottle it when it's just a little sweeter than you would like it but the problem is that it's not any sweeter after each 24H period.
I have tried feeding with more honey every day - I'm doing a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon.
It's fizzy despite being in a loose lid kilner jar and smells amazing - doesn't taste particularly alcoholic but I don't really mind that.
Any advice?
I fed it for another week but it didn't get sweeter and stopped fizzing so have strained - added loads of sugar and bottled. Would still love any insight on what I did wrong!
Topic ginger-beer fermentation homebrew
Category Mac