Why my wp_posts data is so huge?
My WordPress has only 23 posts but the wp_posts data is over 70MiB. Is it the average size? The Posts I have were created with WPBakery Visual Composer and has 10 revisions. However, I deleted all the revisions with Revision Control but the wp_posts data size has no change.
--- update info on Apr 22, 2016 @ 12:12pm --
I found the wp_posts data it has over "60000+" rows of data.
-- update info on Apr 27th 2016 @ 5:02pm --
I removed and optimized all the revisions by Advanced Database Cleaner. I also changed "define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 10 );
" to "define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );
" in wp-config.php, but the revision still coming back. Is there a way to stop them?
-- update info on Apr 28th 2016 @ 3:04pm --
After hours of research and plugin check, I found the revisions are created by FeedWordPress. After deactivate the plugin I dont see the new revision again.