Will a wheat beer taste watery before carbonation?
I'm not an expert brewer, but I've made 5-6 batches over the past 18 months. Process-wise, I feel like I know what I'm doing, but I am still learning different styles of beer.
For summer, I decided to make a wheat beer. The recipe was:
- 1700g of LME (Blackrock's Whispering Wheat)
- 900g DME (came with the kit, not sure exactly of the nature)
- Fermentis US-05
- 6g bittering hops
- 12g aroma hops
- OG 1.045 FG 1.012 (the recipe suggested 1.044 and 1.011)
.. and the recipe said that the kit made 19L.
I have 2 10L carboys, so I split the wort into 2 ~9.5L chunks.
Today, I bottled the first carboy (I am waiting on a few more bottles to do the second batch).
When I measured FG, I was happy to be matching the recipe almost exactly. However, when I drank the beer, I found it very watery. Another (amateur) homebrewer tasted it and confirmed. The flavor was as expected for a summery wheat -- but it lacked that... body? ... that I would expect from a wheat.
Is this a SBRHAHB situation? Will the carbonation and refrigeration bring it into line? Or am I just going to have a VERY easy to drink watery wheat?