Woocommerce pre_get_posts query variation meta data not working
In wordpress I made a simple plugin that adds a function to the pre_get_posts hook.
I need to be able to search products by their variation sku. The query seems to work as when I var_dump the posts returned by the WP_Query they actually include the correct posts(products). But the search result page doesn't show them and display No products were found matching your selection. no matter what theme I use.
The code I tied:
function awesome_plugin_init() {
function is_woocommerce_really_activated() {
if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) ) { return true; } else { return false; }
if(is_woocommerce_really_activated()) {
add_action('pre_get_posts', function( $query ) {
if ( $query-is_search is_search() ){
$search = $query-get( 's' );
$query-set( 'meta_key', '_sku' );
$query-set( 'meta_value', $search );
$query-set( 'meta_compare', 'LIKE' );
/* This would return the correct post, yet still doesn't show up in search results:
$q = new WP_Query([
'post_type' = ['product', 'product_variation'],
'meta_query' = [
'key' = '_sku',
'value' = $search,
'compare' = 'LIKE'
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'awesome_plugin_init' );
Topic woocommerce-offtopic pre-get-posts Wordpress
Category Web