Wordpress comments - how to check if comment still needs to be approved?
I created a comments.php
template and which contains the following code:
div class=amb-single-comments amb-container-parent override
div class=amb-single-comments-container amb-container-child override
div class=amb-single-comments-wrapper-centered override
?php if ( post_password_required() ) {
} ?
?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?
!-- Comments header --
h3 class=amb-comments-title?php echo esc_html( get_theme_mod('amb_single_styleparts_comments_title', 'Comments') ); ?/h3
!-- Comments list --
ul class=amb-comments-list
?php wp_list_comments( [
'reverse_top_level' = true, //Newest first
'callback' = 'amb_comments_output',
'per_page' = '200',
'max_depth' = 20
] ); ?
?php endif; ?
?php if ( ! comments_open() get_comments_number() post_type_supports( get_post_type(), 'comments' ) ) : ?
p class=no-comments
?php _e( 'Comments are closed.' ); ?
?php endif; ?
!-- Comments reply form --
div class=amb-comments-form
?php $amb_comment_form_arguments = [
'title_reply_before' = 'h3 id=reply-title class=amb-comments-form-title comment-reply-title',
'title_reply_after' = '/h3',
'title_reply' = get_theme_mod('amb_single_styleparts_comments_formtitle', 'Leave a reply' ),
comment_form($amb_comment_form_arguments); ?
The callback function for the wp_list_comments
is only relevant for each individual comment, so I didn't include it here.
The comment form all works as expected. However, I now have a problem with the moderation. When a user adds a comment, it is not visible directly. (I didn't research if users can change this behaviour, but I guess they can.)
I want to add some text to show to the user after posting the comment that the comment first needs to be moderated. How can I show this? Or, better: how do I check after a comment is submitted, if this comment first needs to be moderated (or not)?
What is the best way to incorporate this message in a comments.php
Topic comments-template comments moderation Wordpress
Category Web