Wordpress cron job running more than once
I developed a plugin to read some XML files and publish their itens as post but for some reason, sometimes, it is duplicating posts. Basically that is what I have:
// function one is scheduled (hourly) and unscheduled on plugin activation and deactivation hooks
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'function_one_activation');
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'function_one_deactivate');
function function_one_activation() {
if (!wp_next_scheduled('function_one_cron')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'function_one_cron');
function function_one_deactivate() {
$timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('function_one_cron');
wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, 'function_one_cron');
add_action('function_one_cron', 'one');
add_action('function_two_cron', 'two');
add_action('function_three_cron', 'three');
function one() {
// download XML files using CURL and save on server
// schedule cron to run function two after 60 seconds
if(!wp_next_scheduled('function_two_cron')) {
wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 60, 'function_two_cron');
function two() {
// get an array from DB of posts saved from XML files
// get and run each file and check if item is new (is not on array above) and save it as post, if already posted remove it ID from array
// save the new array
// schedule cron to run function three after 60 seconds
if(!wp_next_scheduled('function_three_cron')) {
wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 60, 'function_three_cron');
function three() {
// get the remain ID from array above and delete posts
Does anyone know what I am missing that makes it runs twice sometimes or how can I prevent it to happens?