WordPress Customizer Help with FontAwesome Icon
Here's the scenario - I want to select fontawesome icons from the dropdown list but it's not working. For some reason the class inside span
is not adding up (I have tried jQuery().append()
, CSS) but so far no luck. ANY help would be appreciated.
Code in Page.php
div class="features-block-one"
div class="icon-one"
span class="?php get_theme_mod('features_one_icon' ,'fa fa-bullseye');?" /span
Code in Customizer file
//block one icon
'default' = 'fa-fa box',
'transport' = 'postMessage',
'sanitize_callback' = 'sanitize_key',
'label' = __('Select Icon', 'text-domain'),
'section' = 'features_block',
'type' = 'select',
'settings' = 'features_one_icon',
'choices' = tar_icons() /*With function tar_icons() I'm pulling all the icons from the function */
Code in customizer.js
wp.customize( 'features_one_icon', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( to ) {
$( '.features-block-one .icon-one span' ).css( to );
} );
} );
Topic theme-customizer theme-development customization Wordpress
Category Web