WordPress “Link has expired” error on updating posts
I'm maintaining a WordPress site on GoDaddy for a client and they started to get the "this link has expired error" when they saved a post. It does not happen when I upload a file. However, I am getting an "http error" error when I try and upload a file.
I've done some research, everyone who experiences this error seems to find a solution with updating the php config files to allow larger uploads, longer input times and so forth. This did not seem to work. I've included the phpinfo information below just incase.
From what I've gathered it seems to be an issue with the Nonces, but the clients did not update any plugin or update wordpress. Nothing should have changed, and I don't have enough experience to understand what's happening here.
Here is what I have done:
- Disabled plugins
- Changed themes
- Updated php config to reflect changes below
- Updated php to 7.2
Any ideas?
EDIT: When I update the Authentication Keys and Salts (from here), it works once and then stops working.
EDIT2: I discovered the theme is the culprit (Jupiter 6). However, once de-activated, the situation still happens until my cookies are cleared and I log out and back in. Updating and installing the theme again does not seem to have solved the problem. On a fresh install of wordpress, the theme works fine.