Wordpress og:image not working in whatsapp?
I had created a Wordpress news website. There are many sharing options implemented! I added WhatsApp and send the URL to WhatsApp and share to WhatsApp! The issue is, initially the post image is shown when I share the link in WhatsApp. But now the image is not showing while I share the link in WhatsApp! There are no issues while sharing on facebook! When I inspect the page source WordPress automatically gives og:image
as the post feature image! But it does not show up in WhatsApp. But when I copy paste the same og:image
to header.php I WordPress it works perfectly! Initially, I thought of the size problem while later I found out that size is as per the og:image meta tag standard.
Here i post the single.php code:
* NewsGamer Theme
* Theme by: MipThemes
* http://themes.mipdesign.com
* Our portfolio: http://themeforest.net/user/mip/portfolio
* Thanks for using our theme!
// load header
// Get Page properties
$mip_current_page = new MipThemeFramework_Page();
// Update Post View
// Load Custom post headers
get_template_part( 'elements/parts/post-header-'. $mip_current_page-page_template .'' );
!-- start:post-info-bar --
?php if ($mip_current_page-enable_post_info_bar) get_template_part( 'elements/post-info-bar' ); ?
!-- end:post-info-bar --
!-- start:page content --
div id="page-content" class="?php echo esc_attr($mip_current_page-page_template_class); ? clearfix"
//get sidebar
if ( ($mip_current_page-page_sidebar_template == 'left-sidebar')(!wp_is_mobile()) ) get_sidebar();
!-- start:main --
div id="main" class="main article"
!-- start:article post --
article id="post-?php echo esc_attr($post-ID); ?" ?php post_class('article-post clearfix'); ? ?php echo MipThemeFramework_Util::get_item_scope( $mip_current_page-review_post ); ?
if (have_posts()) :
// Get Template
get_template_part( 'elements/'. $mip_current_page-page_template .'' );
else :
// No Posts
esc_html_e('No posts.', 'newsgamer');
!-- end:article post --
!-- end:main --
//get sidebar
if ( ($mip_current_page-page_sidebar_template == 'right-sidebar')||( ($mip_current_page-page_sidebar_template == 'left-sidebar')(wp_is_mobile()) ) ) get_sidebar();
!-- end:page content --
// load footer
Topic open-graph Wordpress
Category Web