I try out but had noluck, maybe I misunderstanding somewhere.
Here is the WPSE function file, Please show me where I need to edit:
namespace birgire;
* Class Playlist
class Playlist
protected $type = '';
protected $types = array( 'audio', 'video' );
protected $instance = 0;
* Init - Register shortcodes
public function init()
add_shortcode( '_playlist', array( $this, 'playlist_shortcode' ) );
add_shortcode( '_track', array( $this, 'track_shortcode' ) );
// Deprecated:
add_shortcode( 'wpse_playlist', array( $this, 'playlist_shortcode' ) );
add_shortcode( 'wpse_trac', array( $this, 'track_shortcode' ) );
* Callback for the [_playlist] shortcode
* @uses wp_validate_boolean() from WordPress 4.0
public function playlist_shortcode( $atts = array(), $content = '' )
global $content_width; // Theme dependent content width
$this->instance++; // Counter to activate the 'wp_playlist_scripts' action only once
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'type' => 'audio',
'style' => 'light',
'tracklist' => 'true',
'tracknumbers' => 'true',
'images' => 'true', // Audio related
'artists' => 'true', // Audio related
'current' => 'true',
'autoplay' => 'false',
'class' => 'wpse-playlist',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'outer' => '20',
'default_width' => '640',
'default_height' => '380',
// Autoplay:
$autoplay = wp_validate_boolean( $atts['autoplay'] ) ? 'autoplay="yes"' : '';
// Nested shortcode support:
$this->type = ( in_array( $atts['type'], $this->types, TRUE ) ) ? esc_attr( $atts['type'] ) : 'audio';
// Enqueue default scripts and styles for the playlist.
( 1 === $this->instance ) && do_action( 'wp_playlist_scripts', esc_attr( $atts['type'] ), esc_attr( $atts['style'] ) );
// Height & Width - Adjusted from the WordPress core
$width = esc_attr( $atts['width'] );
if( empty( $width ) )
$width = empty( $content_width )
? intval( $atts['default_width'] )
: ( $content_width - intval( $atts['outer'] ) );
$height = esc_attr( $atts['height'] );
if( empty( $height ) && intval( $atts['default_height'] ) > 0 )
$height = empty( $content_width )
? intval( $atts['default_height'] )
: round( ( intval( $atts['default_height'] ) * $width ) / intval( $atts['default_width'] ) );
// Output
$html = '';
// Start div container:
$html .= sprintf( '<div class="wp-playlist wp-%s-playlist wp-playlist-%s ' . esc_attr( $atts['class'] ) . '">',
esc_attr( $atts['style'] )
// Current audio item:
if( $atts['current'] && 'audio' === $this->type )
$html .= '<div class="wp-playlist-current-item"></div>';
// Video player:
if( 'video' === $this->type )
$html .= sprintf( '<video controls="controls" ' . $autoplay . ' preload="none" width="%s" height="%s"></video>',
// Audio player:
$html .= sprintf( '<audio controls="controls" ' . $autoplay . ' preload="none" width="%s" style="visibility: hidden"></audio>',
// Next/Previous:
$html .= '<div class="wp-playlist-next"></div><div class="wp-playlist-prev"></div>';
$html .= sprintf( '
<script class="wp-playlist-script" type="application/json">{
esc_attr( $atts['type'] ),
wp_validate_boolean( $atts['tracklist'] ) ? 'true' : 'false',
wp_validate_boolean( $atts['tracknumbers'] ) ? 'true' : 'false',
wp_validate_boolean( $atts['images'] ) ? 'true' : 'false',
wp_validate_boolean( $atts['artists'] ) ? 'true' : 'false',
$this->get_tracks_from_content( $content )
// Close div container:
$html .= '</div>';
return $html;
* Get tracks from the [_playlist] shortcode content string
private function get_tracks_from_content( $content )
// Get tracs:
$content = strip_tags( nl2br( do_shortcode( $content ) ) );
// Replace last comma:
if( FALSE !== ( $pos = strrpos( $content, ',' ) ) )
$content = substr_replace( $content, '', $pos, 1 );
return $content;
* Callback for the [_track] shortcode
public function track_shortcode( $atts = array(), $content = '' )
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'src' => '',
'type' => ( 'video' === $this->type ) ? 'video/mp4' : 'audio/mpeg',
'title' => '',
'caption' => '',
'description' => '',
'image_src' => sprintf( '%s/wp-includes/images/media/%s.png', get_site_url(), $this->type ),
'image_width' => '48',
'image_height' => '64',
'thumb_src' => sprintf( '%s/wp-includes/images/media/%s.png', get_site_url(), $this->type ),
'thumb_width' => '48',
'thumb_height' => '64',
'meta_artist' => '',
'meta_album' => '',
'meta_genre' => '',
'meta_length_formatted' => '',
'dimensions_original_width' => '300',
'dimensions_original_height' => '200',
'dimensions_resized_width' => '600',
'dimensions_resized_height' => '400',
// Data output:
$data['src'] = esc_url( $atts['src'] );
$data['title'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['title'] );
$data['type'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['type'] );
$data['caption'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['caption'] );
$data['description'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['description'] );
$data['image']['src'] = esc_url( $atts['image_src'] );
$data['image']['width'] = intval( $atts['image_width'] );
$data['image']['height'] = intval( $atts['image_height'] );
$data['thumb']['src'] = esc_url( $atts['thumb_src'] );
$data['thumb']['width'] = intval( $atts['thumb_width'] );
$data['thumb']['height'] = intval( $atts['thumb_height'] );
$data['meta']['length_formatted'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_length_formatted'] );
// Video related:
if( 'video' === $this->type )
$data['dimensions']['original']['width'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['dimensions_original_width'] );
$data['dimensions']['original']['height'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['dimensions_original_height'] );
$data['dimensions']['resized']['width'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['dimensions_resized_width'] );
$data['dimensions']['resized']['height'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['dimensions_resized_height'] );
// Audio related:
} else {
$data['meta']['artist'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_artist'] );
$data['meta']['album'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_album'] );
$data['meta']['genre'] = sanitize_text_field( $atts['meta_genre'] );
return json_encode( $data ) . ',';
} // end class