wordpress simple post multi rating with post_meta and user_meta
I am trying to create a multi criteria post rating function with simple form and post_meta and user meta.
The Goal
when users submits their ratings 2 things should happen:
1.the ratings is stored in the post_meta called 'wpd_rating' like this:
array(user id = array(
field1 = 5
field2 = 3
field3 = 4
another user id = array(
field1 = 2
field2 = 5
field3 = 4
2.the ratings is stored in the user_meta called 'plgn_rating' like this:
array(post id = array(
field1 = 5
field2 = 3
field3 = 4
another rated post id = array(
field1 = 2
field2 = 5
field3 = 4
The Code (Not working Obviously)
In single.php:
the header part:
?php // top of page
if ( isset( $_POST['drw_inventory'] ) wp_verify_nonce($_POST['drw_inventory'],'update_drw_postmeta') )
{ //if nonce check succeeds.
global $post;
$postid = $post-ID;
$data = $_POST['wpd_function_rating'];
$data2 = $_POST['wpd_feature_rating'];
$data3 = $_POST['wpd_support_rating'];
$currentusr = get_current_user_id();
//*******************The post meta field Part****************************
//Get the Existing user ratings of this post
$ls_up_votes = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpd_rating');
//if the current user already rated, unset the rating
foreach ( $ls_up_votes as $key = $value )
if ( $key == $currentusr )
unset( $ls_up_votes[$key] );
//Add post meta 'wpd_rating' with this structure:
//array(userid = array('wpd_function_rating' = '3','wpd_feature_rating' = '5','wpd_support_rating' = '4',))
$up_vote = array($currentusr = array('wpd_function_rating' = $data,'wpd_feature_rating' = $data2,'wpd_support_rating' = $data3));
//appending new user ratings after one another
$ls_up_voted = array_merge($ls_up_votes, $up_vote);
//*******************The user field Part****************************
//Get the Current user ratings of this post
$user_rated_posts = get_user_meta($currentusr, 'plgn_rating',true);
foreach ( $user_rated_posts as $key = $value )
if ( $key == $postid )
unset( $user_rated_posts[$key] );
//add a user field 'plgn_rating' with this structure
//(postid = array('wpd_function_rating' = '3','wpd_feature_rating' = '5','wpd_support_rating' = '4',))
$usr_vote = array($postid = array('wpd_function_rating' = $data,'wpd_feature_rating' = $data2,'wpd_support_rating' = $data3));
//appending new user ratings after one another
$ls_up_voted = array_merge($user_rated_posts, $usr_vote);
The Form:
form method="post" action=""
?php wp_nonce_field('update_drw_postmeta','drw_inventory'); ?
labelThis is label/label
input type='text' name='wpd_function_rating' value='' /
input type='text' name='wpd_feature_rating' value='' /
input type='text' name='wpd_support_rating' value='' /
input type='submit' value='save' /
Issues with the current code
The array is not saving as I structured. I am pretty sure I am using the array_merge wrong. or the calling the get_post_meta wrong.
The code is not checking for the existing user rating and replacing the old ratings with the new one.
as s_ha_dum suggested tried this with no avail:
foreach ( $ls_up_votes as $key = $value ){
if ( $key == $currentusr ){
unset( $ls_up_votes[$key] );
When I add the user input 2 times, the unset commands should remove the previous array that was added by the same user and add the new one, instead its adding all 2 times.Here is what I am getting:
Array ( [0] = Array ( [0] = [1] = Array ( [wpd_function_rating] = 33 [wpd_feature_rating] = 23 [wpd_support_rating] = 66 ) ) [1] = Array ( [wpd_function_rating] = 44 [wpd_feature_rating] = 11 [wpd_support_rating] = 32 ) )