Wordpress template next_prev
I have next and prev with a gallery and the select is not ok and I have no idea how to change. I want to make the select by two category not by a status (publish)
function in_conference_prev_next_posts() {
$cmsmasters_post_type = get_post_type();
$published_posts = wp_count_posts($cmsmasters_post_type)-publish;
if ($published_posts 1) {
echo 'aside class="post_nav"';
previous_post_link('span class="cmsmasters_prev_post"%linkspan class="cmsmasters_prev_arrow"span/span/spanspan class="sub"previous/span/span');
next_post_link('span class="cmsmasters_next_post"%linkspan class="cmsmasters_next_arrow"span/span/spanspan class="sub"next/span/span');
echo '/aside';