Wordpress wp_mail function crashing website
So i've been trying to send email from my functions.php script.
When wp_mail function is fired, my entire website crashes.
I have enabled all the error display settings in wp-config.
I literally copied and pasted the function directly from wordpress.org website, but still my email function causes crash.
function send_email(){
$from = Admin [email protected];
$to = [email protected];
$subject = Lamza Activation;
$message = 'Testing 1 2 3';
$headers[] = From: . $from . PHP_EOL;
$headers[] = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
When i comment wp_mail, my website does not crash, if i uncomment wp_mail, my website crashes.
I do not know whats wrong. I can send test emails using Easy WP SMTP, so i know emails can be sent from my side.