WP Editor does not Initialize Correctly When Form Elements are Removed from the DOM
I am using js code to add and remove form elements and to initialize the wp_editor on the dynamically added textareas with js. The wp editor is initializing correctly when I am only adding elements with the add button. However, when I click remove, the last wp editor does not fully initialize (top toolbar is missing). I recorded a short video of the problem: WP Editor Not initializing Correctly.
Here is the code I am using to add and remove the elements:
function addNewStep() {
//get all steps
const steps = document.getElementsByClassName('step');
const lastStep = steps[steps.length - 1];
// get last step input fields
const lastStepFields = lastStep.getElementsByClassName('form-field');
const lastTextArea = lastStepFields[1];
// remove wp editor from last textarea to be able to copy it
if (typeof wp.editor != undefined isShowWpEditor) {
//new table body wrapper
const tbody_element = document.createElement('tbody');
tbody_element.className = 'step';
//create the new step
let newStep = lastStep.cloneNode(true);
table.insertBefore(newStep, lastStep)
// loop through last step fields to increment ids
for (let i = 0, n = lastStepFields.length; i n; i++) {
const field = lastStepFields[i];
// set the id and name attribute
if (i == 0) {
// some logic
} else if (i == 1) {
//reinitialize the wp editor that we removed before
if (typeof wp.editor != undefined isShowWpEditor) {
wp.editor.initialize(field.id, {
tinymce: {
plugins: 'paste,lists,link,media,wordpress,wpeditimage,wpgallery,wpdialogs,wplink,textcolor,colorpicker',
toolbar1: 'bold italic underline strikethrough | blockquote bullist numlist | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify',
toolbar2: 'formatselect forecolor link unlink',
textarea_rows: 5
quicktags: true,
mediaButtons: true,
// increment textarea id
newId = +(field.id.replace('id_', '')) + 1;
field.id = 'id_' + newId;
// create a new instance of the wp editor on the new textarea that we have just created dynamically
wp.editor.initialize(field.id, {
tinymce: {
plugins: 'paste,lists,link,media,wordpress,wpeditimage,wpgallery,wpdialogs,wplink,textcolor,colorpicker',
toolbar1: 'bold italic underline strikethrough | blockquote bullist numlist | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify',
toolbar2: 'formatselect forecolor link unlink',
textarea_rows: 5
quicktags: true,
mediaButtons: true,
function removeStep() {
const steps = document.getElementsByClassName('step');
const lastStep = steps[steps.length - 1];
jQuery('#stg_steps').click(function(e) {
jQuery('#stg_remove_steps').click(function(e) {
Everything is working, apart from the buggy wp editor initialization (toolbar is completely missing) when you have clicked the remove button beforehand.