wp-env mysqlcheck error:1130

In Ubuntu 20.04 wp-env is giving me error once i have installed it and while trying to start it with wp-env start .The error showing is mysqlcheck: Got error: 1130: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server when trying to connect.

I have tried....... CREATE USER 'wp'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'wp'@'%';

sudo service mysql restart .

Changed the wp-config with new user and password keeping the DB_HOST same as earlier ( ie; localhost)

Still i am getting the same error . Can somebody please let me know what i have done wrong ?

Topic command-line Wordpress javascript

Category Web

In my case, the error caused "Error establishing a database connection error".

It could be solved by following the instructions above and installing @wordpress/env 4.0.0+.

Step 1: Find the name of your wp-env container

First, you need to locate the name of the container created by wp-env. To do this, in the directory of your project containing .wp-env.json, you must run the following command:

docker ps

This should give you a list of containers. In the Names column, you’ll see the following information:


In this example, “7b3099bc856ae9db898a196c0465cadb” is the name of the container created by wp-env.

Step 2: Access the directory containing your docker-compose file

Once you have the name of your wp-env container, you can use it to access the directory containing the docker-compose file created by wp-env. To do so, run the following command in your terminal:

cd ~/.wp-env/7b3099bc856ae9db898a196c0465cadb
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose up -d

This should create a fresh environment.

Step 3: Restart wp-env

Finally, go back to your project folder and run:

wp-env start

You should then receive a message informing you that your WordPress dev environment is ready.

Source: How to Fix MariaDB Error 1130 with wp-env and Docker https://greys.co/how-to-fix-mariadb-error-1130-wp-env-docker/


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