WP Optimization: Overwriting options to autoload=yes for often used options?
I'm currently trying to optimize my WP-page.
I checked with Query Monitor and I see a lot of options which are fetched on every pageload (not a huge runtime cumulated, but still ~15-20 get_options SQL calls logged by Query Monitor) - would it make sense to just set those specific identified options to autoload if I see them in every pageload - and is it safe to do, or will maybe the corresponding plugin override this to autoload=no again in future?
And if the latter could be the case - how to deal with such things - I mean, maybe the plugin developer has not thought of the implications and just implemented it the way he has, how can I safely (i.e. sustainably) change the way it behaves?
(HINT And I'm just trying to think of a good methodology, e.g. by logging, to find options which are fetched on a regular basis (i.e. on every pageload or similarly) which are NOT set to autoload yet. Maybe implement a temporary logging of get_option SQL calls and count, how often it occurs. Than set those to autoload. Anyone seen a code which does it already - hence to not reinvent the wheel?)
Topic autoloading options Wordpress sql optimization
Category Web