wp_dropdown_categories and custom taxonomy + custom post type
I have created custom post type called case study(with slug case-study), with support of custom taxonomy which is called theme.
What i am trying to achieve? Simple dropdown, with redirect to specific taxonomy term page on option select.
The code:
action=?php bloginfo('url'); ? method=get
$args = array(
'show_option_all' = __( 'Choose theme', 'l-p' ),
'hide_empty' = 0,
'echo' = 0,
'show_count' = 0,
'taxonomy' = 'theme',
$select = wp_dropdown_categories( $args );
$replace = select$1 onchange='return this.form.submit()';
$select = preg_replace( '#select([^]*)#', $replace, $select );
echo $select;
noscriptinput type=submit value=View //noscript
Thing is, i'm getting dropdown with proper list of taxonomy terms, but when clicking on specifc option(from dropdown) it redirects me to weird pages/urls instead of actual taxonomy template page.
- I have tried saving direct links in wp settings.
- Taxonomy have proper template called taxonomy-theme.php
- The same dropdown works properly for default blog posts.
- CPT and taxonomy is created via CPT UI(i'm not really fond of it, but well, it was required) - the support for taxonomy/cpt is checked in options.
- The slug for custom taxonomy is theme.
- The slug for custom post type is case-study.
- The taxonomy terms pages are present, it's just that dropdown redirects incorrectly.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Topic advanced-taxonomy-queries dropdown list custom-taxonomy categories Wordpress
Category Web