Wyeast 3944 Slow to Work
I wanted to see if anyone else had this experience - I'm on my second batch of a Wit bier with this yeast and have noticed that in both scenarios - after two weeks the Krausen has not fallen. The first batch I transferred to the secondary while the krausen was still present (which I will not be doing with the second batch). The FG checked out on target with the initial batch.
I'm running up on week two for the second batch and fermentation is still moving. The fermentation of the first batch was @65 degrees and the second batch is at the lower end of 60 degrees.
Has anyone else experienced "slow" fermentation using a witbier yeast such as Wyeast 3944? What has you experience been? I've googled a bit and noticed mixed results about this.
Topic belgian-white yeast fermentation homebrew
Category Mac