Xgboost quantile regression via custom objective
I am new to GBM and xgboost, and am currently using xgboost_0.6-2
in R. The modeling runs well with the standard objective function objective = reg:linear
and after reading this NIH paper I wanted to run a quantile regression using a custom objective function, but it iterates exactly 11 times and the metric does not change.
I just simply switched out the 'pred' statement following the GitHub xgboost demo, but am afraid it is more complicated than that and I cannot find any other examples on using the custom objective function. Do I need to take it a step further and take derivatives for the 'grad' and 'hess' part?
Or could it be a problem with xgboost (doubtful)?
qntregobj - function(preds, dtrain) {
qr_alpha = .5
labels - getinfo(dtrain, label)
preds - ifelse( preds - labels = 0
, (1-qr_alpha)*abs(preds - labels)
, qr_alpha*abs(preds - labels)
grad - preds - labels
hess - preds * (1 - preds)
return(list(grad = grad, hess = hess))
step1.param - list( objective = qntregobj
, booster = gbtree
, eval.metric = rmse
, 'nthread' = 16
step1.xgbTreeCV - xgb.cv(param = step1.param
, data = xgb.train
, nrounds = nrounds
, nfold = 10
, scale_pos_weight = 1
, stratified = T
, watchlist = watchlist
, verbose = F
, early_stopping_rounds = 10
, maximize = FALSE
## set default parameters here - baseline
, max_depth = 6
, min_child_weight = 1
, gamma = 0
, subsample = 1
, colsample_bytree = 1
, lambda = 1
, alpha = 0
, eta = 0.3
print(Sys.time() - start.time)
step1.dat - step1.xgbTreeCV$evaluation_log
Which produces:
iter train_rmse_mean train_rmse_std test_rmse_mean test_rmse_std nround
1: 1 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 1
2: 2 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 2
3: 3 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 3
4: 4 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 4
5: 5 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 5
6: 6 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 6
7: 7 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 7
8: 8 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 8
9: 9 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 9
10: 10 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 10
11: 11 122.6362 0.04268346 122.6354 0.3849658 11
Topic xgboost gbm gradient-descent predictive-modeling machine-learning
Category Data Science