XML FOLDER - wp_insert_post - how to assign XML variables to post
I'm trying to repurpose a code that worked for CSV files to do the same for XML- That is import all files in the folder and create Wordpress custom posts(cikkek). So, I managed to parse the XML files in the given folder and get the right variables that I need:
$posttitle = $xml-THIR-CIM[0];
$postlead = $xml-THIR-LEAD[0];
$postcontent = $xml-THIR-HIRSZOVEG[0];
Now my question is, how can I assign these variables to the last part of the code (line 65 - wp_insert_post). I tried simply replacing '$post[title],' with '$posttitle,' but the code does not seem to run.
Here's the whole code:
* Create and insert posts from XML files
add_action( admin_init, function() {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! isset( $_GET[insert_mti_posts] ) ) {
$mti = array(
custom-post-type = cikkek
// Get the data from all those XMLs!
$posts = function() {
$data = array();
$errors = array();
// Get array of XML files
$xmlfiles = glob( __DIR__ . /data/*.xml );
foreach ( $xmlfiles as $xmlfile ) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlfile);
$posttitle = $xml-THIR-CIM[0];
$postlead = $xml-THIR-LEAD[0];
$postcontent = $xml-THIR-HIRSZOVEG[0];
if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) {
// ... do stuff with the errors
return $data;
// Simple check to see if the current post exists within the
// database. This isn't very efficient, but it works.
$post_exists = function( $title ) use ( $wpdb, $mti ) {
// Get an array of all posts within our custom post type
$posts = $wpdb-get_col( SELECT post_title FROM {$wpdb-posts} WHERE post_type = '{$mti[custom-post-type]}' );
// Check if the passed title exists in array
return in_array( $title, $posts );
foreach ( $posts() as $post ) {
// If the post exists, skip this post and go to the next one
if ( $post_exists( $post[title] ) ) {
// Insert the post into the database
$post[id] = wp_insert_post( array(
post_title = $post[title],
post_content = $post[content],
post_type = $mti[custom-post-type],
post_status = draft
*EDIT: I think the main issue is with $data. It should return an associative array like:
$data = array(
0 = array(
title = $posttitle[0],
content = $postcontent[0],
description = $postlead[0],
1 = array(
title = $posttitle[1],
content = $postcontent[1],
description = $postlead[1],
// ...
The issue is I don't know how to pass it this info.
Hope I explained it clearly. Any help is appreciated!
Topic xml wp-insert-post Wordpress
Category Web