"You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" upon accessing my newly created plugin page
I am following "Write your own plugin tutorial" and I made it, activated it, added it to settings to have it's own plugin page but upon trying to access that plugin page I get above message saying that "I do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" even though I am logged in as admin and I did chmod -R 777
to wordpress directory??
What else could it go wrong?
Plugin code follows:
Plugin Name: OSCommerce Product Display
Plugin URI: http://www.orangecreative.net
Description: Plugin for displaying products from an OSCommerce shopping cart database
Author: C. Lupu
Version: 1.0
Author URI: http://www.orangecreative.net
function oscimp_admin() {
function oscimp_admin_actions() {
add_options_page("OSCommerce Product Display", "OSCommerce Product Display", 1, "OSCommerce Product Display", "oscimp_admin");
add_action('admin_menu', 'oscimp_admin_actions');
div class="wrap"
?php echo "h2" . __( 'OSCommerce Product Display Options', 'oscimp_trdom' ) . "/h2"; ?
form name="oscimp_form" method="post" action="?php echo str_replace( '%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?"
input type="hidden" name="oscimp_hidden" value="Y"
?php echo "h4" . __( 'OSCommerce Database Settings', 'oscimp_trdom' ) . "/h4"; ?
p?php _e("Database host: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_dbhost" value="?php echo $dbhost; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: localhost" ); ?/p
p?php _e("Database name: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_dbname" value="?php echo $dbname; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: oscommerce_shop" ); ?/p
p?php _e("Database user: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_dbuser" value="?php echo $dbuser; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: root" ); ?/p
p?php _e("Database password: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_dbpwd" value="?php echo $dbpwd; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: secretpassword" ); ?/p
hr /
?php echo "h4" . __( 'OSCommerce Store Settings', 'oscimp_trdom' ) . "/h4"; ?
p?php _e("Store URL: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_store_url" value="?php echo $store_url; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: http://www.yourstore.com/" ); ?/p
p?php _e("Product image folder: " ); ?input type="text" name="oscimp_prod_img_folder" value="?php echo $prod_img_folder; ?" size="20"?php _e(" ex: http://www.yourstore.com/images/" ); ?/p
p class="submit"
input type="submit" name="Submit" value="?php _e('Update Options', 'oscimp_trdom' ) ?" /
Topic privileges plugin-development Wordpress
Category Web