YouTube API 403 error when website restriction set

I am loading the latest videos from a YouTube channel to WordPress, using the YouTube API:

function load_feed() {
    $url = add_query_arg(
            'part' = 'snippet',
            'channelId' = '[YouTube channel ID]',
            'maxResults' = 3,
            'order' = 'date',
            'type' = 'video',
            'key' = '[YouTube API key]'

    $response = wp_remote_get(esc_url_raw($url));

    return json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true);

Everything works well when in the API settings on Google Developers I have:

Application restrictions: None

But when I set:

Application restrictions: HTTP referrers (web sites)

Website restrictions:*

I get the following response from the API:

    error: {
        code: 403,
        message: Requests from referer[Channel ID]maxResults=3order=datetype=videokey=[API key] are blocked.,
        errors: [
                message: Requests from referer[Channel ID]maxResults=3order=datetype=videokey=[API key] are blocked.,
                domain: global,
                reason: forbidden
        status: PERMISSION_DENIED

It looks as though the API detects the request was made from and not from, where I have the WP installation and am running the above code.

Why is this error occurring and what can I do to fix it?

Topic youtube Wordpress

Category Web

If you restrict the application (or API key) by HTTP referrers, then your remote HTTP request should include a valid HTTP_REFERER header, which wp_remote_get() does not set by default. And you can set the header using the headers argument like so where the array key is referer (note that it's not double "r" as in "referrer"):

$response = wp_remote_get( esc_url_raw( $url ), array(
    'headers' => [ 'referer' => home_url() ],
) );


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