To freeze or not, batch normalisation in ResNet when transfer learning

I'm using a ResNet50 model pretrained on ImageNet, to do transfer learning, fitting an image classification task. The easy way of doing this is simply freezing the conv layers (or really all layers except the final fully connected layer), however I came across a paper where the authors mention that batch normalisation layers should be fine tuned when fitting the new model: Few layers such as Batch Normalization (BN) layers shouldn’t be froze because, the mean and variance of the …
Category: Data Science

Searchable database of members using multiple criteria / filters

I'm very new to wp let's say that first! What I need is to create a site which will list a database of members of an organisation. Users will also be able to sign-up and add themselves to the database. But additionally I want users to be able to search for other users using given criteria check boxes, for example: Is male [ ] Is female [ ] Lives in city x [ ] Lives in city y [ ] …
Category: Web

Determine the effect on margins of a price increase

I hope you can help guide me in the right direction! Any advice is appreciated! Situation I'm currently analyzing the effect of a price increase from a retailer on a few 100 products. I'm interested in understanding the effect of the price increase on volume, sales value, and margin. The data I have available is weekly product-level data in terms of sales value, volume, and margin for products that had a price increase and for products that did not have …
Category: Data Science

Can I use a 1d convolution on a set of coordinates?

So i am training a reinforcement learning agent. It is fed in its position, and the target positions using x,y coordinates. An example input would be like [[1,3],[2,2],[5,1]]. I thought that since if i just fed in the input with a flatten layer (would be 1,3,2,2,5,1), there would not be a strong enough association between each coordinate pair. Because of this, i used a 1d convolution layer with 5 filters, and a step and size of 2, which i hoped …
Category: Data Science

How to bulk delete a certain part of all wordpress posts

site been hacked, and all posts been injected a line of js code under the content! <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> I have found the malware file in the root directory, which inject the JS code with the command: $q = "SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE `TABLE_NAME` LIKE '%post%'"; $result = $conn->query($q); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $q2 = "SELECT post_content FROM " . $row["TABLE_SCHEMA"]. "." . $row["TABLE_NAME"]." LIMIT 1 "; $result2 = $conn->query($q2); if ($result2->num_rows > 0) …
Category: Web

CNN 3D line angles prediction regression - results of training of phi depend on theta

I am a beginner in "deep learning". What I am trying to do, is to predict two angles of a 3D line projected on a 2D image. The toy model is that I create a line going out from the centre of 48x48 array. The angle phi is the angle of the line in the image plane, angle theta is the angle of the line in the plane perpendicular to the image. Theta is just used to calculate each line …
Category: Data Science

The requested URL was not found only on localhost

I have moved WordPress files & database from localhost to live server successfully. However, now when I try to move it back to localhost the links doesn't work, although they should. I am using root-relative links in my hrefs as in: href="/about-us" I am using the plugin All in One WP Migration. Have tried the following: Multiple .wpress backup files from the plugin, Reinstalled XAMPP, Several different database names for local WP installation, Severeal different usernames for local WP installation, …
Category: Web

Rest Api How to get results of child categories with one api call

Example: If I have a parent category 1 with child categories 2,3,4 etc instead of a call like this: /wp/v2/posts?categories=1,2,3,4 i want a call like this (imaging code) /wp/v2/posts?categories=1&includeallchilds=true that will include all articles from the child and sub-child of 1. how is this possible? I don't want my application make 2 api calls to find all childs of the categories of 1.. this query can done what i need, but i cant include this on rest api call, $args …
Category: Web

Hook on file upload

I need a hook or some way to detect when the window to select the file to upload is opened. I'm talking about the window that opens the browser to select the local files to upload. Context: On occasions, WordPress itself or some plugins directly open a window to select the local file to upload, without going through the WordPress library. I have a plugin that gives a custom path when uploading files and I need to launch a popup …
Category: Web

Understanding 'Convex' & 'Concave' nature of functions

A closed-form solution of MLE exists when the parameter space is convex & the likelihood function is concave. I did not understand this statement very well. I know what 'Convex' is- a single global minimum & 'Concave' is the opposite. What does it mean when a parameter space is 'Convex'? Parameter space refers to the range of possible values a set of parameters can take. Do Convex & Concave refer to the minimum & maximum values of the parameter space?
Category: Data Science

How can I change not only the value of the custom field but the what the field shows itself?

I need to be able to write custom fields in Power BI but the values of the fields change based off of company. For example, Twitter vs Instagram - field 1 for Twitter should show company name and field 1 for Instagram should show company revenue. So not only does the field change but the value of the field changes too. I have an excel sheet that lists around 30 custom fields for 2 different companies so I was wondering …
Topic: powerbi
Category: Data Science

Full width layout for custom post type pages

I'm trying to remove a widget area called 'Primary' from a certain page on a site. This is the function where I manage the sidebars: //ADD CATEGORIES IN SIDEBAR OF SINGLE POST TYPE add_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'add_mysite_sidebar' ); function add_mysite_sidebar() { if( get_post_type() == 'post' ){ dynamic_sidebar( 'News Categories' ); } else if( get_post_type() == 'events' ){ dynamic_sidebar( 'Event Categories' ); } else if( get_post_type() == 'documentlibrary' ){ dynamic_sidebar( 'Document Categories' ); } else if( get_post_type() == 'bp_members' ){ include(members_sidebar.php); unregister_sidebar( …
Category: Web

Why are predictions from my LSTM Neural Network lagging behind true values?

I am running an LSTM neural network in R using the keras package, in an attempt to do time series prediction of Bitcoin. The issue I'm running into is that while my predicted values seem to be reasonable, for some reason, they are "lagging" or "behind" the true values. Right below is some of my code, and farther down I have some graphs to show you what I mean. My model code: batch_size = 2 model <- keras_model_sequential() model%>% layer_lstm(units=22, …
Category: Data Science

Is there a way to opt out of or block having the newest core themes installed on update?

We generally keep our custom theme in non-auto-update mode and one core WP theme in auto-update mode as an emergency backup as our only 2 themes in the wp-content/themes directory. If we had twentytwenty installed when we launched the site in 2020, that's sufficient for our purposes - we don't need twentytwentyone and twentytwentytwo, etc. It's annoying to have to delete these manually after WP updates add them. Is there any way to block that from happening?
Category: Web

Dealing with observation with arbitrary number of categories with arbitary number of values

Suppose to have a set of elements $X = \{x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\}$. Each element is characterised by a set of features. The features characterising a particular element $x_i$ can belong to one of $q$ different categories. Each different category $f_q$ can have a different value $v_{q_i}$, belonging to a set of possible values $V_q = \{v_{q_1}, v_{q_2} ...\}$. So, an observation $x_i$ may be described as $x_i = \{f_{q_1} = v_{{q_1}_i}, f_{q_1} = v_{{q_1}_j}, ... f_{q_i} = v_{{q_i}_i}\}$. In …
Category: Data Science

Is it possible to get a list of options for a specific options group?

When registering options in WordPress, you are required to supply a "settings group name" along with the name of the option itself. register_setting( string $option_group, string $option_name, array $args = array() ) Given, register_setting($my_settings_group, $my_option_name1); register_setting($my_settings_group, $my_option_name2); register_setting($my_settings_group, $my_option_name3); Is it possible to then get a list of all options for the specified custom settings group? For example, something appropriate to the pseudocode... get_settings_group_options($my_settings_group); which would return either an array of option names, or option names and corresponding option values. …
Category: Web

Clustering 2D curves

I have a set of curves in 2D space each expressed as a set of (sampled) data points. Each set has more or less the same number of items - eventually I guess I’ll use binning to make sure the number of points is the same (say 50) if that can help. I would like to cluster the curves in N groups. Computing N should be part of the solution. Possible translations on the first dimension are irrelevant. I have …
Category: Data Science

What is MLOPS - Why & How to get started?

MLOPs has been gaining traction and a lot of fortune 500 companies are creating team specifically for MLOPs.Can anyone help me understand? Why MLOPs is gaining so much traction? How it is different from DevOps? What are the tools used for MLOPs? How can i create a strategy for MLOPs? How to get started?
Category: Data Science

How to edit the Html of my site that uses a different css

I'm using an imported css instead of one from WP. I also didn't upload the site myself. I want to change the look of the colours of the nav compartment to different colours. I can't do this with css, but with HTML, since I went to change each button to a different colour from the other. Please, how can I do this in the WP environment? Thanks immensely.
Topic: html Wordpress
Category: Web

Revolution Slider Toggle Devices not working

I'm trying to enable the responsive mode in Slider Revolution to check my layout in mobile/tablet devices however when I switch the toggle on and click on the device name, nothing changes. I was expecting to see the layout on those devices but nothing happens. Image for reference Can someone please clarify why it's not working? Extra info: I tried to install a fresh new wordpress with just Slider Revolution plugin installed and default theme but didn't work out …
Category: Web

Deciding Initial Weights In A Linear Classifier For Sentiment Analysis

I would like to build a simple sentiment analysis classifier using logistic regression. I downloaded a list of positive and negative words from There are more than 6000 words both positive and negative. Linear Classifier has the form: (Wikipedia Reference) $$\sum wj*xj$$ where $w$ is the weight of the vector $x$. So for example, if the weight of vector awesome is 3, then in the following sentence: Food is awesome and music is awesome. according to the formula, it …
Category: Data Science

How to train regression model with multiple dataset

The datasets I am working with correspond to individual time series signals. Each signal is unique, with differing total number of data points. here I want to simulate dataset A using dataset B. dataset A: dataset B : Spliting Dataset Code: x = SmartInsole[:,0:178] y = Avg[:,0] y = y.reshape(-1,1) scaler_x = MinMaxScaler() scaler_y = MinMaxScaler() xscale = scaler_x.transform(x) yscale = scaler_y.transform(y) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(xscale, yscale, test_size=0.25, random_state=2) The dataset after splitting and normalized: [0.83974359 …
Topic: regression
Category: Data Science

How can I run two AJAX requests simultaneously in WordPress?

Kinda stuck here working with AJAX and trying to show posts based on user interaction. Right now I have it working where user makes a category dropdown selection and the posts load accordingly. What I would like to do is take it one step further and populate another drop-down with subcategories based on the parent category that was selected. View the site here. jQuery $('#ajaxFilter select').on('change', function(event) { if(event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } $this = $(this); $value = this.value; $page = …
Topic: ajax Wordpress
Category: Web

activation function for binarized neural networks

I am trying to implement a binarized neural network using keras and tensorflow. Here is my current code: import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from keras import datasets from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model from keras.layers import Activation from keras import backend as K from keras.utils.generic_utils import get_custom_objects def sign(x): result = K.sign(x) return result get_custom_objects().update({'custom_activation': Activation(sign)}) digit_data = datasets.mnist (train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = digit_data.load_data() # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(train_images[0]) # print(train_labels[0]) # print(train_images[0]) model = keras.Sequential([ …
Category: Data Science

Interpretation of SHAP summary plot in a multi class context

I'm performing multi-class classification and uses SHAP values to interpret the features. I have 3 classes. I have testet XGBoost and Multinomial Logistic Regression. When i'm using XGBoost I am able to get a summary plot where I can see the individual feature affect on all three classes. I'm also able to get a seperate plot for each class to see how small/large feature values affect the prediction towards the individual class. It seems like this is only possible to …
Category: Data Science

How to compute the median of a Date type of column in Spark (JAVA)

I have extracted a column from a dataset that contains Date type of values: +-------------------+ | Created_datetime | +-------------------+ |2019-10-12 17:09:18| |2019-12-03 07:02:07| |2020-01-16 23:10:08| The Type of the column being StringType in Spark. And i want to compute the average of these dates, for example in the above case will be 2019-12-03 07:02:07 since it is the median date of the three dates. How to achieve that in Spark in Java? I tried using"Created_datetime").cast("timestamp"))).first().getDouble(0) But as it is …
Category: Data Science

Error: An operation has `None` for gradient with categorical_crossentropy

I am trying to train my discriminator network using Keras with the TensorFlow backend. The network is meant to classify the input into one of the 9 output labels. I am passing a 2D input (height, width, no channels) and a one-hot vector for the output. I was able to train the network independently using fit(). However, now that I have switched to train_on_batch, it is giving me the error mentioned. This is my discriminator code: def build_discriminator(time_steps, feature_size, input_spectrogram=None): …
Category: Data Science

How can I remove multiple slashes?

Basically that, I have but if I visit or with more slashes I would like to remove the extra ones and just leave one of them. I found this but it's not working, I added on the .htaccess file. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/{2,}(.*)$ RewriteRule (.*) %1/%2 [R=301,L] </IfModule> Keep in mind I used the homepage as an example, but it can happen on any page, adding extra slashes doesn't break the page but I need …
Category: Web

Adding custom fonts (local) to WordPress?

I have this code: @font-face { font-family: 'Miller Banner Light'; src: url('fonts/Miller-Banner-Light-01.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('fonts/Miller-Banner-Light-01.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('fonts/Miller-Banner-Light-01.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */ url('fonts/Miller-Banner-Light-01.ttf') format('truetype') /* Safari, Android, iOS */ } Which in theory allows to add these fonts to my theme, unfortunately, simply creating the fonts folder and putting in the files doesn't work. I read about having to create a child-theme but is that the only way?
Category: Web

Vanishing gradient problem even after existence of ReLu function?

Let's say I have a deep neural network with 50 hidden layers and at each neuron of hidden layer the ReLu activation function is used. My question is Is it possible for vanishing gradient problem to get occur during the backpropogation for weights updates even after the existence of relu? or we can say that vanishing gradient problem will never occur when all the activation functions are ReLu?"
Category: Data Science


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