Archive for custom taxonomy lists all posts instead of current taxonomy
I'm using the Types plugin for a custom post type "Session", which has the custom taxonomy "Semester". I would now like to create an archive page for each semester which is automatically generated. Creating a taxonomy-semester.php was no problem, however, that page always shows contents for ALL semesters, not just the current one the URL points to.
E.g. /semester/winter2015 and /semester/summer2016 will both show contents for Winter 2015 (or whatever is in the database). I'm pretty sure the problem lies within my query arguments, but no matter what I try, I can't get this page to show only the contents for the correct semester. Here's my code:
?php get_header(); ?
section class="index-post-list"
$term = $wp_query-queried_object;
$getterm = $term-slug; // get current slug (E.g. winter2015)
$args = (array(
'post_type' = 'session',
'tax_query' = array(
'taxonomy' = 'semester',
'field' = 'slug',
'terms' = $getterm,
'include_children' = true,
'operator' = 'IN'
'meta_key' = 'wpcf-start-time', // custom post field by which results are sorted
'orderby' = 'meta_value',
'order' = 'ASC'
) );
$query = new wp_query( $args );
h2 class="archive-title"?php printf( __( 'Schedule for %s', 'template' ), single_tag_title( '', false ) ); ?/h2
?php echo tag_description(); ?
?php if ( $query - have_posts() ) : while ( $query - have_posts() ) : $query - the_post(); ?
//usual loop stuff goes here....
?php endif; ?
?php get_footer(); ?
Topic plugin-types wp-query custom-taxonomy query-posts custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web