I have a problem with some custom taxonomy terms. I am using "Types" plugin for creating custom post types and custom taxonomies. I successfully created my postype and hierarchical taxonomy and strated to add content. Everything worked great until I migrated the site from the dev server(Linux) into the live server (Microsoft IIS). Right now when I add a term as a child to another term in the taxonomy, it gets hidden from the custom taxonomy terms admin panel and …
I have Types installed and registered on my live server, but also want to get it installed on my development server (which of course has a different URL so will have to be registered separately). However, the Commercial tab is entirely missing from my Plugins page on the development server - I also can't get to it manually by going to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=commercial, which should otherwise work. Below are screenshots from my development and live servers respectively. Without this, I can't …
I have created a custom post type with php and my problem is that this post type is not appearing in the menu of Toolset Types Plugin. I think that must be some option that I have to fill but I have tried with almost everything and I don´t know why this is happening. I want to edit the relationship between post types, specially between cars and news. My code to create the custom post type is this. function car_post_type() …
I am currently working on my first WP site and struggeling with something. My websites should allow the admins nor moderators to upload tutoring videos related to series. I want that each series will be related to "lesson category". For example, there will be a "Mathematics" category and under this category the moderators should be able to add series like "Linear Math - Fall", "Algebra - Winter", "Algebra - Fall" etc. In addition, I would like to link between a …
I am using the "Types" wordpress plugin for the first time. I created a custom post type, as well as some custom fields. How do I dynamically call all the custom posts into a Bootstrap carousel, and also display the fields within that loop? And how do I limit the amount of posts that will cycle through the carousel? Another requirement is that I need to add that necessary Bootstrap 'active' class to only the first post. Here is my …
I'm using the Types plugin for a custom post type "Session", which has the custom taxonomy "Semester". I would now like to create an archive page for each semester which is automatically generated. Creating a taxonomy-semester.php was no problem, however, that page always shows contents for ALL semesters, not just the current one the URL points to. E.g. /semester/winter2015 and /semester/summer2016 will both show contents for Winter 2015 (or whatever is in the database). I'm pretty sure the problem lies …
I am using Metabox to create metaboxes for Worpdress Post and it works like a charm. Now I have installed MetaBox Custom Post Type Extension for create CPT and it works good to. I have Types plugin installed for same purpose, create CPT so I can work either with Metabox or Types. I have created a CPT with slug publicity and I want to add some Metaboxes only to that CPT. How I can achieve this? I know how to …
I'm using Wordpress Types for create and manage Custom Post Types (CPT) at my blog and it works perfectly. I have created a CPT called Espacio Publicitario and I added also some custom fields (see image below). I need to hide body copy box since on this CPT is useless, can I do that? How? It will be hide just for this CPT not for the rest of the post, pages and so on
I have the following code: <font size="2">Pistas:</font></p> <ul> <li> <?php echo types_render_field("pista-1a", array("argument1"=>"value1","argument2"=>"value2","argument2"=>"value2")); ?><li> <?php echo types_render_field("pista-1b", array("argument1"=>"value1","argument2"=>"value2","argument2"=>"value2")); ?> </li></ul> ' As you can see... I manually inserted in every item, but sometimes not all fields have contents, so in this case, the bullets show with no content in front of them.. how can I change the code to insert only if the custom field is not empty.... (I'm using Types Plugin) Sorry for my basic coding, I'm not a …
I am simply trying to print the value of a custom field. I have read all the documentation, tried out other people's suggestions, and nothing works. I can get it to print the ID #, but not the actual value I have in the field. I am using the Types plugin to create the field. this prints the ID: <?php echo get_the_ID($value, 'authorinfo', true); ?> as well as: <?php echo get_the_ID($key, 'authorinfo', true); ?> this does nothing: <?php get_post_meta( $post->ID, …
I'm writing a plugin for a wordpress site using a page template using WP Types plugin. My plugin adds a shortcode tag. Shortcode tags inside 'the_content' get processed without problem. But this page template echoes types_render_field(...) WP Types function which gets and returns content containing shortcode tags retrieved from the database using get_post_custom($postid) wordpress core function call. I want to process these shortcode tags without modifying the template or WP Types plugin, just using my plugin code. Is that possible?
General Info I used the plugin WP Types (wp-types.com) to create a custom post type called "artist". In WP Types you can also set another post type as parent post type. This is not possible by default; they implemented this feature by a meta query with the key: "_wpcf_belongs_%POSTTYPE%_id" (in my case "_wpcf_belongs_artist_id") and the value is the ID of the parent post. The Problem Normally if you set a page X as a child of page Y you would …
I'm using the Types plugin, and I created some custom types, linked to custom fields. It appears in the admin menu, and I can create new entries. But on the FO, how can I link my Custom type to a menu item ? When I go to theme->menu, I can select individual entry of my custom Types, but not the custom Types itself, so that its displays a page with the liste of all my entries in it. I could …
I want to manage some custom posts and custom fields that have been created by the theme I've installed. In particular I want to change the permalink they are using. There is a way to do so? For example letting WP Types to recognise already existing custom posts?
I want to show the image only if there is info in the field. And the link around the image uses the info in the field. The mailto: field is coming up blank. So I'm guessing/hoping I'm doing something wrong with the way I'm printing/calling it. I would greatly appreciate any help. <?php $email = types_render_field ("email"); if ( $email ) { ?> <a href="mailto:<?php $email ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo( 'template_url' ); ?>/images/icon-email.gif" width="24" height="24" /></a> <?php } ?> In case …
I was wondering what hook i would use to geo-locate a custom post type when it is saved? I have a Custom post type of Restaurant and I want to geolocate the address using googles api and then save it into another field(s)
I am using the Types plugin and have ticked Categories under the Registered taxonomies that will be used with this post type section. However, no categories seem to appear. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any advice appreciated.