Auto-deleting comments that trigger the blacklist
By default, the WP 'blacklist' feature finds comments containing the blacklisted string and moves them to the spam folder. What I am trying to do is change it so that instead of going to spam, the comment goes directly to the trash (or even better isn't stored at all).
In /wp-includes/comment.php around line 700:
if ( wp_blacklist_check($comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_author_url, $comment_content, $comment_author_IP, $comment_agent) )
$approved = 'spam';
I tried modifying the line to $approved = 'trash';
but I am still getting comments containing blacklisted words being moved to my spam folder. The only comment related plugin I am running in Akismet, is it possible that Akismet is moving the comment to spam before comment.php processes it?