I read the supposed explanation posted on their blog, and came away unenlightened. The following site-specific plugin does nothing (I have enabled it): <?php /* Plugin Name: Akismet Better Privacy Notice Description: Inform users about what's actually happening with their data */ apply_filters( 'akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice_markup', '<p class="akismet_comment_form_privacy_notice">' . 'Warning: This site uses Akismet to filter spam.' . ' Until or unless I can find a suitable replacement anti-spam solution, this means that' . ' (per their <a href="%s" target="_blank">indemnification document</a>)' . …
I've looked for a way to pull my site's Akismet's API key but I'm not seeing a solution when I search through the tag akismet. When I research the documentation on Key verification I add the function akismet_verify_key but then I'm told I cannot re-declare it so I think it means the function is enabled in the plugin? When I researched further I did find that I can define my API Key in my wp-config with: // AKISMET API KEY …
I have a wordpress.org blog that I host on my own site. I have the Akismet plugin installed, and in general I keep both up-to-date (e.g. at the moment, Akismet is at version 2.5.7, and Wordpress at 3.5.1). From time-to-time (maybe every week or so), I get a notification email from Wordpress that a (generally spam) comment needs moderating. When I log in to moderate it, Wordpress informs me that it has already been marked as spam (although I haven't …
I am using a plugin (dwqa) that overrides wordpress' Settings->Discussion options (eg: I select "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" but comments are approved regardless). If I decide to write the code for "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" myself, will I be missing out on other built-in protection that WordPress offers on comments? I would like to still get all possible protection from spam that WordPress offers. If the Settings->Discussion options don't work, does that …
I have several inputboxes and no textareas in my custom content type. Can I use Akismet that comes with WP for that? If I can, how to do that? E.g. If I have 5 inputboxes like: name, address, city, telephone, email in my form that is saved from the front page and is used for further processing. How to use Akismet on that? Is it possible? if the names of the inputbosex are: name, address, city, telephone and emai, how …
I have a site with old version of Akismet plugin. I'm doing a major update/reinstall and I need Akismet API key to reactivate the Akismet plugin. I didn't find the key neither hardcoded anywhere in the plugin code nor stored in the wp_options table in the database, where other Akismet variables are stored. I tried to google it out and all I found was to look at the e-mail where the API key was sent. I'm not the original webmaster, …
I posted this on the Stackoverflow site and haven't received much assistance with the issue. I hope that, by reposting it on here, someone could please offer me any assistance. I am creating a theme in Wordpress, using an Akismet form and a jQuery AJAX script (now using a new script). I have modified all of the relevant areas to integrate into my Wordpress site, even using the Akismet API key that is already there from the Akismet plugin. Here …
Akismet went crazy and sent several hundred comments to spam. Right now, I have to manually mark each comment as "Not Spam" and then manually move all of them from Pending to Approved. Any way to do this in a more efficient way?
I need to disable Akismet for comments written by one of my registered users, since there is a problem that when such plugin is enabled they do not appear. I have some familiarity with php but I am unable to understand the right place to insert my if condition. Where can I add my little piece of code to prevent Akismet recalling?
I have custom code that handles comment insertions using wp_insert_comment. Does Akismet plugin expose any hooks, functions, class that can work with the same and possibly elsewhere where custom forms for user content submissions are involved? Or do I need to write custom code to make calls to Akismet API?
I have a plugin that has input form, I have decided to check submitted data with akismet. I do have API key, WP comments are filtered correctly... here is, what I found: http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/2010/03/akismet-plugin-theme-stop-spam-dead/ problem is, that $response is always empty - I have tried to var_dump() it, right after calling akismet_http_post(), output was string(0) ""... Can you give me a hint what I did wrong? Thanks
By default, the WP 'blacklist' feature finds comments containing the blacklisted string and moves them to the spam folder. What I am trying to do is change it so that instead of going to spam, the comment goes directly to the trash (or even better isn't stored at all). In /wp-includes/comment.php around line 700: if ( wp_blacklist_check($comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_author_url, $comment_content, $comment_author_IP, $comment_agent) ) $approved = 'spam'; } I tried modifying the line to $approved = 'trash'; but I am still …
On the blog I run, when I have Akismet activated, it somehow prevents comments posted via Jetpack from appearing in the moderation queue. I know it's Akismet because I have disabled every plugin but jetpack and received comments in the moderation queue successfully. When I have both jetpack and aksimet activated simultaneously, however, the comments do not appear in my moderation queue.
When I've built a few sites for small businesses in the past, I've historically been able to do without anti-spam measures. I now have several sites which get maybe between 5 and 20 spam comments a month each. I have it set set so all comments must be moderated, which isn't a really a big deal. I would call it good enough, except the content of these comments is often about Viagra, other drugs, russian porn sites, etc., and I …
Curiously, Akismet is deleting old spam comments after a period of time (I'm guessing within a week). This box is NOT checked: Auto-delete spam submitted on posts more than a month old. I've sent a message to Akismet support more than a week ago but I've not yet received a reply. I do not want Akismet to delete anything. I do not check often enough to verify false positives so I want all comments saved indefinitely, even the spam. Does …
I want Akismet to be activated by default on installation with my Akismet API key. I am making my own distribution that I will use on my own sites and I want the plugin and key to already be activated when installing a new wordpress site.
I get a bunch of comments that simply repeat the title with '[...]'. ie: [...] Some cool post title [...] Is this spam or is wordpress doing something wrong? I have the akismet plugin enabled.
I'm thinking of blocking all IP adresses indicated by Akismet as containing spam. Something like cronning select distinct wp_comments.comment_author_IP FROM `wp_commentmeta` JOIN `wp_comments` WHERE wp_commentmeta.comment_id = wp_comments.comment_id AND wp_commentmeta.meta_value='true' ORDER BY wp_comments.comment_author_IP and then adding the IP's automatically to .htaccess. Even better, I would like to post the current list of 524 IP's to a webservice to be sure hundreds of other people are also blocking the same IP. Is that smart? update now checking with http://www.dnsbl.info/ . Interesting e.g. …
I'm receiving many many spam comments using the same username and I guess it is a bot that keeps on submitting comments. In one week I get around 100 such comments (which is quite a lot for my small blog). I want to have a look at all comments that are marked as spam (just in case Akismet is too strict on a certain legit comment), but this is really annoying. Therefore I have two small questions: How can I …