Beer calculators and batch/boil size with late fermentable additions
It seems to me that the calculator that I have been using for my recipes (Beer Calculus) allows me to change my batch size, but does not let me adjust WHEN I add my fermentables, as to allow for higher hop utilization on a partial boil by adding a fair amount of DME and sugars at the 15/10 minute mark.
Does anyone have any input on what I should do with this? Should I just calculate this by hand? I suppose I could tell the calculator I am doing a full boil, half the water and fermentables, and use the same amount of hops since the gravity should be identical, and then add the other half of fermentables towards the end, finishing with pre-boiled water in the fermenter to achieve my batch size. Is this an appropriate way to go about this?
Thanks again.
Topic partial-boil first-time-brewer late-addition homebrew
Category Mac