Brewing with tamarinds
For reference: tamarind. I recently saw this fruit at the store today and thought it smelled interesting so I investigated. I've decided to brew my very first batch of beer as a tamarind saison as a result, because I think the sweet and sour qualities will work well in a saison with honey in it.
After my friend recommended an amount based on previous experience in his childhood, I settled on 2 lbs of the stuff (and I think that's enough based on the small taste I had!).
The thing is, I'm not really sure when to add it to the wort. This video goes into detail about how to make juice out of it, but I could also add them whole in a muslin bag during the boil.
I can't find anything online about using tamarinds in a brew, and I don't want to ruin the wort by adding them whole or in juice form too soon or too late. If anyone has experience with using tamarinds for a brew, I'd greatly appreciate some advice on how to prepare them and at what stage to add them to the brew!
Topic first-time-brewer ingredients wort beer homebrew
Category Mac