Does a too low fermentation temperature affect taste?
I currently have 4, 5 gallon batches going. After a bad episode of brewing at a high temperature (72-75°F) for 2 batches, I have gone in the opposite direction and aim for 60*F, and frequently dip below that (57-59°F). I get very irritated when my wort gets to even 63°F.
After some Internet reading, I am starting to worry that 60°F is too low for most ales, and that it will cause a lower attenuation. I am willing to sacrifice a lower alcohol content if it means better taste, as I know that a higher temperature causes the ester production that most often decreases the palatability of beer.
Does my desire to decrease this ester production beyond reasonable action (i.e., brewing at 60*F), have unwanted taste side effects that I am not considering?
Topic fermentation-temperature taste temperature homebrew
Category Mac