Dry hopping at the end of fermentation?
First of all I know being impatient is not the way to approach brewing, but I would like to sneak my last batch (as well as the ones I had planned) into a PRO-AM comp in two weeks. I have an session IPA that has been fermenting for two weeks and turning out great, but I am really looking to get the gravity down a couple more points. If I started dry hopping at the very tail end of fermentation will I still lose a considerable amount of hoppy goodness or because Co2 production has slowed to a crawl am I in the clear to put hops in the beer?
O.G 1.054 + + Current gravity 1.020 ++ Dry hop 2 oz. Columbus (planned)
Topic primary-fermentation dry-hop dry-hopping secondary-fermentation fermentation homebrew
Category Mac