When dry hopping, should you try to submerge the hops after you add them to the secondary? Half the hops in my last IPA weren't wet after a week, so I'm thinking they couldn't contribute much flavor.
First of all I know being impatient is not the way to approach brewing, but I would like to sneak my last batch (as well as the ones I had planned) into a PRO-AM comp in two weeks. I have an session IPA that has been fermenting for two weeks and turning out great, but I am really looking to get the gravity down a couple more points. If I started dry hopping at the very tail end of fermentation …
I've had good results, have always done it the same way in recent years, but always question myself when I dry hop. Weigh-out my pellet hops Scrub my hands with soap an water Drop a weight, a muslin bag and a length of dental floss into my pitcher of StarSan Put my hands into the pitcher for a minute, then pick up the bag Squeeze (hard) on the muslin bag to rid it of most of the StarSan Open the …
This is my first attempt at dry hopping. I added hop pellets directly into the secondary fermenter. They have been in for 1 week and many have settled to the bottom, however there is quite a bit still floating and in suspension. It does not seem like they are settling out any more. The amount floating seems to have stayed consistent over the last 2 days. I'm considering tying a sanitized muslin bag to the end of the racking cane …
I recently made an IPA. I put an ounce of Cascade pellets in the secondary (for a 23-litre [6-U.S.-gallon] batch), but there is hardly any hops aroma in the finished product. By the end of the two weeks, the hops had all sunk to the bottom, so I know they were exposed to the beer and not just floating. Is an ounce not enough? Is there some other way this could have failed? I trust my LHBS and would assume …
I am currently brewing a english pale ale and about to transfer from primary to secondary fermentor. I want to dry hop but dont know what people think would be the best hops to use. Any ideas or recomendations people have? The current hops in the recipe is 1oz. willemete and 1oz. fuggle...
I was planning on aging my barley wine in a carboy. Is it appropriate to dry hop upon transfer to the secondary for aging. Or would it be better to dry hop after I consider the aging process to be done, i.e. prior to bottling?