Flat beer after priming in a pressure barrel
Completed my first fermentation of home-brew bitter which finished at 2.5% alcohol after 2 weeks. Transferred the beer to a pressure barrel and added a level teaspoon of sugar per pint to start secondary fermentation along with extra pressure using a screw on CO2 "bomb" for a couple of seconds. After about a week ( probably longer that normal due to the fact that the barrel was in the loft where it was quite cold ), the beer started to secondary ferment and reached a high of approx 6% alcohol. Tried the beer which tasted great, but had no "fizz", i.e. it was virtually flat.
Could anyone tell me what I have done wrong, or if I need to bottle it and add a little bit of sugar per bottle to re-invigorate the beer?
Topic priming-sugar priming carbonation homebrew
Category Mac