Going Below Optimum Yeast Temperatures (For Ale in Particular)
So I understand that going above the optimum yeast temperature specified is a bad thing and will cause major off flavors.
But what happens when you go underneath it?
For example, I am currently using a Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey from NB which specifies the optimum temperature range as 68-78*F.
My tendency is, around 3pm, when I start to feel warm, to grab 5 frozen water bottles and throw it in my swamp cooler.
I just rigged up a temperature monitoring apparatus this morning and have been measuring the temperature all day. When I started to feel warm, the temperature in the swamp cooler was only 72F, and now after I threw in 5 frozen water bottles, the temperature in the swamp cooler is 60F (now it is actually 59.8F!) (now 57.7F)
What are the consequences of my actions for doing this to an Ale?
Topic swamp-cooler fermentation-temperature temperature homebrew
Category Mac