How do i know the current post type when on post.php in admin?
Im trying to do something with an admin_init hook if - and only if - the user is editing a post (post.php) with post type "event". My problem is that, even though wordpress points to a global variable calls $post_type. if i do:
global $post_type;
It returns NULL.
but if I do this:
global $pagenow;
it returns my current page. i.e. "post.php".
I looked into this function $screen = get_current_screen();
but thats not declared until after the admin_init hooks has run, and then its to late.
So my question is, how do I, by the time admin_init is run, find out what post type the current post being edited is. if the url is post.php?post=81action=edit
then, how do I know what post type postid=81 is?
Thanks Malthe