I'm translating WordPress page into seven different languages. Have around 70 plugins active and working, no worries. Subscriptions, shop, pre-orders you name it. Getting there with translations, using WPML but I have not found, not even searching, all templates for emails going out to users, customers, shop editors, bloggers, etc. I'm sending all emails out through Mailster. Is there a way that would be Admin able to get BCC copy of each and every e-mail sending out? I would take …
I am learning WordPress Plugin development. In this regard I have to save some settings along with Custom Post in Admin Panel under a Menu. Can I place metaboxes inside tab for this issue like the below image ?
If I need to edit a specific post then I need to click the "All Posts" link and then find it. It would be nice to click directly on a link from within the popup hover sub menu. Something like this: Disclaimer: I am going to answer my own question.
Is there a list of WordPress CSS id/classes that I can use to build plugin option screens that look and feel more like a normal WordPress option page? I have found some through serendipity but it would have been nice to have a list. An example is this class: button-primary That makes a button look like this:
How can I (easily) determine which of my wordpress sites are using a given plugin, on a Wordpress Multisite install? Let's say I have 1,000 wordpress sites on a Wordpress Multisite install. I have 100 plugins. For each plugin, I want to list all of the sites that are using that plugin. In the GUI, I can only see how this can be done in about 1 million clicks. Is there a query I can run against the DB (and …
I am working on a clients site, one of the features they want is for his Editors or Authors to only be able to select existing images to insert into Posts from the Media Library. So looking at the media manager/upload screen below, is it possible to make the Upload Files tab to only be visible to Admin Users and also to make the Media Library shown by Default when this Dialog is shown?
we had our Wordpress page running on example.com. But now, we're developing new React website, which already has some of the webpages ready. We use Vercel to host that React website. We want React/Vercel to host specific pages (which are already developed) and serve the wordpress page as a fallback. E.g.: React already has page example.com/pageA ready, so we want that URL to be served directly by Vercel/React. On the other hand, React doesn't has page example.com/pageB ready, so we …
I have a custom post type that uses several meta fields. In the admin area I would like to be able to search by those meta fields. I have implemented this currently in my functions.php with this code: function custom_search_query( $query ) { if ( is_admin() && is_main_query() && $query->is_search ) { $query->set('meta_query', array( "relation" => "OR", array( 'key' => 'first_name', 'value' => $query->query_vars['s'], 'compare' => 'LIKE' ), array( 'key' => 'last_name', 'value' => $query->query_vars['s'], 'compare' => 'LIKE' ), array( …
As told in the title, I am looking for a way to prevent users to delete comments from the trash. Only admins should be able to. I tested the scripts at: Function to prevent users from trashing comments But it doesn't work, probably since 2013 a few things have changed :) Thank you for help!
I am learning WordPress plugin development. I need to insert Custom Post Type. I registered custom post type using register_post_type(). I am getting below Form when I would like to insert a New Csutom Post Types (News). How can I customize this Form ? I would like to add some radio buttons and text fields here.
The post.php screen lists posts vertically in the admin area [and other post types]. Each item's post_title is a hyperlink, directly above some inline choices. Both the title link, and the "Edit" inline selection, redundantly go to the same destination, namely: http[s]://{yoursite.tld}/wp-admin/post.php?post={postID}&action=edit I want to filter the post_title URL href using PHP. Specifically, I want to set a custom destination to the URL, based on metadata stored in the post. i.e post_ID:123 has post meta data: {'custom_URL' : 'http:somesite.com'} In …
I have a bothering PHP warning for ages, and I am wondering if someone has solution to this. The following two-line warning is constantly recording in my error_log file: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’ - assumed '‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/myuser/public_html/wp-config.php on line 92 PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’ - assumed '‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/myuser/public_html/wp-config.php on line …
I have a simple script that sends Slack messages, runs reports and does other things. I would like this script to run directly based after users purchase something on my site. I do NOT want to build this functionality using WordPress, my goal is to have loosely coupled systems. ENTER WEBHOOKS. Webhooks sound exactly like what I want. Something happens on WordPress and then it pings my reporting server. WordPress advertises a webhooks feature at https://en.support.wordpress.com/webhooks/ it states this there …
I have never used wordpress before and I'm trying to learn it now, I hope in this forum we can discuss about wordpress more, so I can more understand about it. I have problem, that I want to create a input page for category but this form are located in admin panel. So, how to do it? especially about that steps. Thank so much..
I have below code. add_action( 'admin_init', [$this, 'settings_page_registration'] ); I would like to use enqueue_assets function name inside add_action(). Should I use like below ? add_action( 'admin_init', [$this, 'settings_page_registration', 'enqueue_assets'] );
Wordpress admin dashboard only shows the current and upcoming events, but there's seemingly no way to access the past events through admin dashboard. The event page on admin dashboard (wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=event) tells me that there are 146 events in total but only show 19 (current/upcoming) and there seems to be no way to change filtering/options to show all events. I feel like I have to be missing something incredibly obvious here.
The WordPress codex for bulk_edit_custom_box, along with this bulk edit example use the following piece of JavaScript to create an array of selected post IDs to send with the AJAX call that updates the posts. $bulk_row.find( '#bulk-titles' ).children().each( function() { $post_ids.push( $( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( /^(ttle)/i, '' ) ); }); The full code surrounding this snippet is below. My list tables have input fields for meta values, and the inline quick edit works successfully, but bulk edit fails. When …
This error appeared only yesterday. When I try to do anything in admin except adding posts/pages, there is a white screen and chrome console reveals. I can't update wordpress core, can't update/install/delete plugins ... Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 431 () No idea what's the issue and how to fix it. Thanks for helping out! UPDATE - this was a Chrome issue - after I cleared my cookies, everything works OK Could somebody explain …