How long can milled grain be stored?
At the rate that I'm going, I'm doing a homebrew roughly every second weekend. (Fun!) I will end up with a small stock of hops, and yeast I can keep around in the fridge for a while if I buy a few extra vials, but I'm wondering about milled grains?
I don't have the space or inclination to mill myself. If I want to pick up 5-10 pounds of base grains and a small stock of specialty grains, and have them milled by my LHBS at time of purchase, how long can I expect them to stay fresh in a bugproof container in a cool, dark, dry corner of a closet?
I found this question about grain storage, but the asker's express intent is to take it to his LHBS and mill on brewday.
Does milled grain have a shorter shelf-life than unmilled?