How to calculate the minimum vessel sizes for all grain brewing
- Brewing in an kitchenette with limited storage space
- All Grain brewing, extracts are not available around here
- I'm looking at BIAB also, but want to have the traditional 3 vessels setup
- Will use 3 regular pots (mash tun, hot liquor, boil kettle), preferably storing then inside each other
I want to get 20l batches (on the primary fermentor) of regular strength beers ( OG 1060 ).
My average recipe will have those constraints:
- 5 kg of grain for the mash
- Water to grain ratio of 4l / kg
- 90 minute boils
- Fly sparging or batch sparging
This is where I got so far:
Mash tun
- 2 liters of deadspace (assuming I make it so)
- 20l Strike water
- Grain absorption of 8.3l (1.67l/kg got that number somewhere in the web)
- With our sparge method we have always a max of 20l of liquid on the pot
--> First issue, how do I estimate the volume taken by the grains?
Edit: Beersmith estimates it to be 0.652 l/kg, so:
- Volume of grains = 5 * 0.652 = 3.26 l
Mash tun minimum size: 23.3 l
Boil Kettle
- Deadspace 5l (assuming)
- Post boil volume 25l (20l for fermentor + 5l deadspace)
- Evaporation = 25l * 9%/h * 1.5h = 3.37l (this should really be from pre-boil volume, but don't know how to get that)
- liquid expansion ( 25l + 3.37 ) * 4% = 1.13l same as above
Boil kettle minimum size: 25l + 3.37l + 1.13l = 29.5l
Plus some slack to prevent boil overs..
How do I calculate pre-boil volume?
How much is the minimum extra space to avoid boilovers?
- No deadspace
- In the Boil kettle we will have at least 25l + 3.3 = 28.5l of pre-boil volume
- From the mash we get 18l - 8.3l = 9.7l for first runnings
HLT minimum size: 28.5l - 9.7l = 18.8l
That would give me nicely stackable pots of a very manageable size, where not for the issues above...
- mash volume = pre-boil + absorption + grain volume = 28.5 + 8.3 + 3.26 = 40 l
Edit: added volume taken by grains
No Sparge
- Same as BIAB, I believe
Extract with full boil
(just for completeness)
- Same as boil Kettle
Topic small-space all-grain equipment homebrew
Category Mac