How to enable Disqus comments in a Wordpress theme I'm creating from scratch?
I've installed the Disqus comments plugin, and I see that it works fine with 'off-the-shelf' themes. However, I'm creating my very own custom theme, and Disqus doesn't show up at all in my theme. Maybe that's because I've not done anything to enable comments in my theme, such as adding comments theme support in my functions.php file, or comments-specific code in my index.php or single.php files. I (naively) assumed the Disqus plugin would handle everything.
Perhaps if I learn how to code my theme to support basic comments, the Disqus plugin would then work. I haven't tried that yet because I'm worried it might be a 'wild goose chase'. I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could push me in the right direction with some advice on how to 'attack' this issue. Thank you in advance.
Topic disqus comments theme-development Wordpress
Category Web