I want to get rid of Facebook Comments from my website, but I have a lot of comments there. Is it possible to import facebook comments to normal Wordpress comments system or something else (i.e. disqus?) I just can't find anything. Thank you in advance.
I want to remove the Wordpress default comments system from my website but Wanted to keep Facebook Comments Only. Just like Scoopwhoop.com is doing! Thank you in Advance!
Hey WordPress friends, I’m using the Disqus comment system plugin, which is working fine. My homepage is just a collection if recent posts and therefore not having the option to leave a comment (as desired). Unfortunately, I still see that the Disqus plugin is rendering JavaScript output within the homepage and would like to get rid of this. I've Tried the following but without luck. Any help is appreciated! Thanks function block_disqus_count() { if ( is_front_page()) remove_filter('output_count_js', 'dsq_output_count_js'); } add_action( …
Does anyone have any experience using Disqus with a headless WP setup? I am working on converting a standard WordPress blog to a headless front end, with the users using the standard WP back end in the normal way. The blog is currently managing comments with Disqus, which I would like to load on the new static front end. I read the instructions for setting up the Universal Embed Code, and am pulling in the post id as the page.identifier. …
I've installed the Disqus comments plugin, and I see that it works fine with 'off-the-shelf' themes. However, I'm creating my very own custom theme, and Disqus doesn't show up at all in my theme. Maybe that's because I've not done anything to enable comments in my theme, such as adding comments theme support in my functions.php file, or comments-specific code in my index.php or single.php files. I (naively) assumed the Disqus plugin would handle everything. Perhaps if I learn how …
I've installed the disqus comment system plugin. I need some help to use it, I'm not able to display the comment box inside my post or pages. I'm using a custom theme, and there is no a comment.php file. Is this a problem? Here is my loop code <div class="row feed" id="" style="padding: 2.5em 0 1em 0;"> <?php if( $menu_feed->have_posts() ): ?> <?php while( $menu_feed->have_posts() ): $menu_feed->the_post(); ?> <section> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-7 col-lg-7 col-xl-7 " id="pagesThumb"> <img class="img-fluid thumb" src="<?php …
I'm using Disqus on my site. The theme that I'm using has comment count shown on every post, but it shows only default WordPress comments system count. How can I integrate it with Disqus, so the comment count would show Disqus comments? Here's my site - http://tophistorie.pl
I wanted to migrate disqus comments to my WordPress. I found some guide post https://www.ampercent.com/migrate-disqus-comments-back-wordpress/21729/ https://help.disqus.com/import-export-and-syncing/importing-exporting but I wanted know how will disqus comment votes work in the wordpress comments or it will not work. Thanks
I have installed disqus and I want it to show up on my homepage. It replaced the old wordpress comments system on pages and posts but I also want it to appear on index.php my index.php file now - > http://i.imgur.com/TxaroMC.png I added <?php comments_template(); ?> but nothing happend. What should I do ? I want to put it at the bottom of my website Thanks
I use Disqus to manage my comments. I'd like it to appear only on posts, and not on pages. How can I do that? If there's a way to selectively show it on some pages that'd be great, but in general I'd like the default to be hidden on pages.
I have tried everything I could come up with, including using the '!important' attribute, but have not been able to change the CSS for the Disqus comments on my site. Their CSS not only originates from a file on their website, but I think the comments are in an iframe or something, which would explain why the '!important' attribute isn't working. Is it possible to change the CSS for Disqus comments on a wordpress blog? All I want to add …
I've followed the instructions of all of the comment plugins I've downloaded for example Disqus and Livefyre and they both don't seem to show up correctly, the styling of the comment section isnt showing, it's just displaying the comments as plain text. I've tried digging for the problem within the settings of the both plugins but they all seem to be correctly set. and all the questions from the forums site I've tried have been about them not enabling their …
I'm using Disqus WordPress plugin. When the page is not fully loaded yet, there's only comment count but after that Disqus auto appends the string Comments to that which looks really ugly. From the theme: <div class="comment-bubble"> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments" class="comments-link"><?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?></a> </div> I couldn't figure out what went wrong.
And the sync is also not being automatic, I have to go in the Sync Comments option. I've tried almost everything and none of them worked. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Disqus Comments: Disqus comments synchronized with wordpress. As you can see, all comments have already been deleted from Disqus and none that is active is synchronized. And is not syncing all the deleted comments, just a few. <div id="disqus_thread"></div> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND …
When I post something, the comments count doesn't change, sometimes it takes between 10 minutes to 1 hour (or even more) for the comments count to appear as '0'. And if i leave a comment, is the same until the count is updated to '1'. I've tried almost everything and none of them worked. Does anyone know how to resolve this? <div id="disqus_thread"></div> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM …
Anyone got a working way to import old Disqus comments into WordPress? Presumably by converting the Disqus XML export format to the WordPress XML import format. Note that this plugin is for some ancient version of Disqus and doesn't work.
So tell me, if it's possible, using disqus Wordpress plugin, to change number of visible comments before "load more" button? I think default is 50, how could I change it to 20 or 10? Thank you!
I use disqus to handle comments on my blog. I also like to have pingbacks from various posts back and forth to each other (and from outside sources. However, I noticed today that while the comment count at the bottom of a post will show the total number of "comments" (including pingbacks), only the Disqus comments are actually displayed. How can I get pingbacks to appear as well as Disqus comments?
I need a way not to load the comments form when previewing a post, is there a way to achieve this? How? If you need a reason to help: I use disqus and it generates a url for the "discussion" the first time the comment form loads, if this is the preview then it will look something like site.com/?post_type=food&p=41009 And this is a problem because afterwards when the post is published under a real url disqus will not recognize the …
I've tried contacting Disqus support but they haven't answered. I need to disable pre-approval for comments but i can't find where to set that option. Could anyone help me? Thanks.