How to fix yeast smell in young wine from kit
I started my first attempt at fermenting this wine kit in mid-April.
I followed the initial directions pretty meticulously which included stirring in the fermentation bucket daily (due to kit including dried grape skins).
My hydrometer was reading a bit higher than reality, so the racking at ~1.020 might've been a bit behind. Almost for sure the racking at 0.998 was a late. At that point I stabilized according to instructions, racked it back into a 6 gallon carboy, and topped it up.
The problem is when testing for clarity (which now seems fine) it has a very strong yeast smell, and somewhat strong yeast flavor.
I know a young wine shouldn't taste "ready" yet, and I'd be happy to bottle and age if that's normal, but from most things I've read so far this isn't quite normal. (I'm not going for the "on lees" flavor since this is a Cabernet Sauvignon.)
How yeasty should a wine be before bottling?
Can anything be done to salvage this batch? What should be done to avoid this in the future?