Is an immersion chiller really necessary?

I have been reading here about immersion, counterflow and plate chillers and they don't seem to chill the wort much faster than my current method; ice.

Many people have stated that their chillers cool the wort to pitching temperature in 20-25 minutes. I'm able to to chill mine to 75-80 degrees F in 25 minutes or so just filling my sink with ice and water around the brew pot.

Is the extra 5-10 minutes cooling time really going to make that big of a difference? For the $65+ wort chiller price, I can buy a lot of ice at the grocery, not to mention the 50 gallons of water I'll save not running the tap for 20 minutes on every batch.

Is an immersion chiller considered essential equipment or is it just another brewing gadget that isn't truly necessary for casual brewers?

Topic chiller wort equipment homebrew

Category Mac

If you are brewing from extract, and you have say, 3 gallons of wort that you are eventually bringing to 5.5 gallons, then you can get a fast cool-down without a chiller to 67F by:

  1. Ice bath in the sink until you get down to 90F. If you can keep the wort moving in the pot and the ice water moving around in the sink (by shaking and swirling), this could take as little as 15 minutes. It's important to keep both liquids moving, so to always have the hottest wort and the coldest water on opposite sides of your brew pot.
  2. Pour in 2.5 gallons of pre-chilled water. The water I keep in my fridge is usually around 40F for this when I use it. (I know its temp because I keep it in a cleaned, sterilized, and solid-bung-plugged carboy with a strip thermometer).

The specific heat of wort is about 0.95. But the specific gravity of your wort is let's say 1.05. The combined influence of the specific heat and specific gravity of wort makes it just about equivalent to water for temperature flux with respect to volume.

In simple terms, in the above scenario, you can average the water and wort temperatures according to this simple weighted formula to get a combined temperature of

(2.5 * 40F + 3 * 90F) / 5.5 = 67F.

Note that it's important to do the steps in this order, since the ice bath is much less efficient at pulling out heat from a large volume of cooler wort than a small volume of hot wort.

The last few partial mash brews I have done I found that having 2 gallons of frozen water at the ready as well as an ice bath would chill the wort to pitching temp in less than 20-30 minutes. Just cut open the jugs of frozen water (distilled) and put them into the fermenting bucket while you chill the wort for 10-15 minutes in an ice bath. Poor the wort over the ice and top off with cold water accordingly. I use a swamp cooler to keep the fermenter at a reasonably constant temp in the AL summer. After I move the fermenter to the swamp cooler, I pitch the yeast. Easy as Sunday morning and no infections yet.

I do 5-6 gallon full boils and chill in my bathtub without ice. My bathtub is as deeper than my brew pot so I fill to just around the wort level. Water temperature is 8-10C. I change the water 2-3 times and am able to get the wort down to pitching temps in 30-40 min.

Tip for last degrees of chill with wert chiller

Shake the chiller gently up and down to stir up the wort. Feel the temp of coolant coming out of the chiller to see if you are being effective. The coolant will heat up if you are cooling the wert.

Wort chillers also help with clarity by making for an effective cold break -- causing the suspended proteins to precipitate by cooling the wort rapidly. You can make perfectly drinkable beers without using a wort chiller, but eventually your interest in improving beer quality and saving time may outweigh the modest expense of a wort chiller.

I have a simple copper immersion wort chiller. It gets the job done quickly enough for me, so I don't feel a need for anything fancier at this time.

I bought 5 1-gallon jugs of spring water for my last brew. I used 2.5 gallons for the boil and then I had the other 2.5 gallons in the freezer chilling. Once the boil was done, the time in the ice bath was minimal because I had 2.5 gallons of very chilled water to top-off my wort with.

So to answer your question, no, an immersion chiller is not "essential equipment", and there are other ways to quickly chill your wort, but that doesn't mean a chiller isn't nice to have.

For the record too, while an ice bath can cool just as fast as an "economical" version of an immersion chiller a plate chiller is much faster. Most plate chillers will take 5 gallons to pitching temp in less than 10 minutes. At least, that's been my eyewitness account with friends that use them. I plan to get one in the future too speed up my brew day.

I do full wort boils, 6 gallon batches, split between 2 canning pots.

I cool the 2 pots in a bathtub full of cold tap water, no ice. I give the wort an occasional stir, as well as the bathtub water.

I don't watch the clock that closely, but I'd say I'm down to pitching temperature in about 30 - 40 minutes. Our tap water is quite cold in the winter. I'll see how I do in the summer (I have been brewing all-grain for less than a year).

When I look at the surface area of pot which is in contact with cold water, it seems to me like it's greater than the surface area of cold tubing in the immersion chillers I've seen, but I realize that my intuition is likely wrong.

So my answer would be no, it's not necessary.

I use a 50' 1/2" copper immersion chiller and I can chill a full gravity boil (5 gal) to pitch temperature in 5-10 minutes. I use it outside hooked to the garden hose. The length and the diameter of the copper is the key point. Most 'economy' chillers are 25' 3/8". The more surface area the faster the chill.

Is is necessary? I would say no.
Is it nice to have? I think so.

I would say this is a just a small step below absolutely necessary.

It literally shaved hours off of my brew day, I see the reduction in chance of infection as a huge advantage and almost a necessity.

You mention you chill with ice, how do you do it?

  • Do you add ice directly into the hot wort? There are infection risks if you do it this way.
  • Do you do an ice bath? If so how big are your batches? I had a tough time bringing my 5+ gallon boils down to pitching temp in under two hours in an ice bath (wasn't using a ton of ice though)

If you're doing partial mashes with only 2-3 gallons of wort and you're chilling in 25-30 minutes then you're probably ok, but realize that it's going to be that much faster with a heat exchanger (not a reduction of only 5 minutes)

I also made my own immersion chiller from narrow copper tube - I forget how long it is but there are about 20 turns. For me it is essential as the only place big enough to cool 5 gallons is in the bathroom - upstairs. Carrying 5 gallons of hopped wort up the stairs is too risky on my back, let alone the trouble I'd be in if I dropped it!

It seems to do the job in about 20 mins and I too hook it up to the garden hose.

Is any of the advanced equipment really necessary? No, not strictly. But like any hobby, as we advance we acquire more gear.

Regarding the chiller in particular, if you are performing partial boils of 3 gallons or less, then you can definitely get by without a chiller. I did just fine. But once I switched to all grain and the full-volume boils that accompany it, there was no way I could fit my huge pot in the sink with enough ice water to chill it in a decent amount of time. So I built an immersion chiller from 1/2" OD copper tubing. With it I can cool my 6 post-boil gallons to pitching temperature (65F, not 75-80F), in about 15-20 minutes. So for me, a chiller is necessary, but only because I value my time and want to improve my beer through the reduction of DMS, which can develop if you chill too slowly. For the average partial-boil extract brewer, you can totally get by without one.

Note: if you're pitching at 75-80F, you're not doing all you can to help your yeast make good beer. Pitch at a low temp then ramp the temps up appropriately. Again, with partial boils you can get by chilling to 80F then add cold topping-up water to bring the full volume to 65F. When chilling a full-volume boil, you need to get it all the way down to pitching temp.


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