Is one volume of Co2 one point of ABV?
So, I'm bottle conditioning. Went back to my high school days to compute the grams of sugar I need to add to get a specific volume of CO2 per gallon (because I do such small batches).
What I'm wondering is, when I'm computing (however accurately) the volume of CO2 that's going to be produced for carbonation, can I say something about how many points ABV it will change? For example, what ABV does a 5% beer with enough sugar for 2 additional volumes of CO2 end at?
I'm thinking 1 volume of CO2 should corresponds to 1 volume of alcohol, which by volume should be exactly 1 point? In my example, that would mean a 5% beer + 2 volumes CO2 would be 7%? But that seems high and I can't figure out what's wrong with my math here.
Topic alcohol-content carbonation bottle-conditioning homebrew
Category Mac