Jumbotron not showing up on Firefox or Safari

I just want to start out by saying, that I have tried multiple things before I resorted to writing this entry. You guys are my only hope.

My site works in Chrome, but disappears in Firefox or Safari.

Things I have tried:

  • Added register script then enqueue; In hopes that my grid-12.css is loaded before frontstyle.css(grid-12.css has jumbotron code; bootstrap.css just has my modal.)
    • Moving the end of my while/endif; wp_reset_postdata to the bottom of my jumbotron.
    • Put my jumbotron as inline css instead of in the style sheet.(currently); Splitting the css does not work for some reason.
    • Put jumbotron in front-style.css(main stylesheet)
    • Making grid-12.css a dependency of my front-style.css(currently)
    • And a few other things....


function _cc_scripts() {

  wp_register_style('grid_12', get_template_directory_uri() .  '/inc/css/grid12.css');
  wp_register_style('normalize_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/css/normalize.css');
  wp_register_style('bootstrap_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/css/bootstrap.css');
  wp_register_style('front_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/css/front-style.css', 'grid_12');
  wp_register_style( 'main_style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css');
  wp_register_style('animate_css', get_template_directory_uri() . '/inc/css/animate.css');
  wp_register_style( 'font-awesome', '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.6.1/css/font-awesome.min.css', array(), '4.6.1' );
  wp_register_style( '_cc-style', get_stylesheet_uri() );
  wp_register_style( '_cc-skip-link-focus-fix', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js', array(), '20151215', true );


  if ( is_singular()  comments_open()  get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
} // End of _cc_scripts()
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', '_cc_scripts' );


$args = array(
'category_name' = 'jumbotron',
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( have_posts() ): 
  while ( $the_query-have_posts() ):   
    $the_query-the_post(); ?

    $thumbnail_jumbo  = get_post_thumbnail_id($post-ID);
    $featuredImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_jumbo , 'full');
    $thumbnail_jumbo = $featuredImage[0];
    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($thumbnail_jumbo); 

    div class="jumbotron"
      style type="text/css"
        .jumbotron {
      background: no-repeat center right fixed  url('?php echo $thumbnail_jumbo ?');
     margin-bottom: 0px;
     min-height: 500px;

     background-size: 100%;
     box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000;
       -webkit-background-size: 100%;
         -moz-background-size: 100%;
           -o-background-size: 100%;
     background-size: cover;
       -webkit-background-size: cover;
         -moz-background-size: cover;
           -o-background-size: cover;


        div class="scroll-down text-center  hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg"
        a href="#" class="about"span class="icon-down"
          i class="fa  fa-chevron-down fa-3x"/i/span

Other things to note

  • I'm trying to avoid inline CSS.
  • Custom Css needs to be loaded after Bootstrap.css(in this case grid-12.css)

Right now, on Safari/Firefox, I can see the color of the picture/jumbotron behind my navbar but it does not stretch and take up the space I want it to.

Thanks any advice on this would be great.

Topic custom-background Wordpress

Category Web

It's because you had a bunch of errors inside of your header.php.

Three important things to note:

  • You shouldn't add <style>-tags inside of the loop, since that would add the styles several times, if the loop runs more than once.
  • An the most probable reason, why it broke was that you had this line here: <i class="fa fa-chevron-down fa-3x"></i></span> (without a start-span-tag).
  • And why it works in Chrome and not in Firefox/Safari, is because different browsers are forgiving in different ways (and handle flawed code differently).

Try replacing your code in header.php with this:

    <style type="text/css">
      .jumbotron {
        background: no-repeat center right fixed  url('<?php echo $thumbnail_jumbo ?>');
        margin-bottom: 0px;
        min-height: 500px;

        background-size: 100%;
        box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000;
        -webkit-background-size: 100%;
        -moz-background-size: 100%;
        -o-background-size: 100%;
        background-size: cover;
        -webkit-background-size: cover;
        -moz-background-size: cover;
        -o-background-size: cover;

    $args = array(
      'category_name' => 'jumbotron',
    $the_query = new WP_Query( $args );

    if ( have_posts() ): 
      while ( $the_query->have_posts() ):   

        $thumbnail_jumbo  = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID);
        $featuredImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_jumbo , 'full');
        $thumbnail_jumbo = $featuredImage[0];
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($thumbnail_jumbo); 

        <div class="jumbotron">
          <div class="scroll-down text-center  hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg">
            <a href="#" class="about"><span class="icon-down">
              <i class="fa  fa-chevron-down fa-3x"></i>

Aaaaand... If you another time, properly indent your code when you ask a question in here, then it's easier to find a solution to your question, since the question is easier to read. It's just one of those things, you know. =D ... This comment is said with love.

Maybe you CSS code is confusing the other browsers. First you are using the prefixed properties after the unprefixed ones, I would inverse that. Secondly you are using the background shorthand property with the values in uncommon order. I think there are browsers out there, which expect them in specific order.

.jumbotron {
    background: url('<?php echo $thumbnail_jumbo ?>') right center no-repeat fixed;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    min-height: 500px;
    box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #000;

    -webkit-background-size: 100%;
    -moz-background-size: 100%;
    -o-background-size: 100%;
    background-size: 100%;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;


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